Hey girl. I would suggest that you consider specializing in something that sets you apart from the other escorts out there. I've found that there are a lot of escorts who put everything you can think of on their profiles when it comes to services that they offer, and I don't really think that this is the way to go, personally. Maybe it gets you a lot of volume in terms of page views, but you can get the same kind of volume simply by having the right picutures - which it's very much worthwhile to pay to have professional photos taken. After all, men are incredibly visual creatures and they love beautiful women, so having great pictures on your profile is the best way to get the attention right away. After that, if you offer specific things that you're good at, you'll narrow things down quite a bit, but you'll also manage to get clients who you're prepared for and who are also much more likely to become regular clients if you're good at the services that you're offering. Remember, some escorts simply offer dates. Some offer every type of sexual favour you can imagine. Both manage to make livings, so it's really up to you what you want to do at the end of the day. The best thing you can do is to be a pro at the services you offer, and to keep yourself in absolutely mind condition. Looks, professionalism, your place if you're doing in calls. If you can offer the best service in what you specialize, always be desirable, confident, and professional, you're going to go far and ultimately decide what kind of escort you want to be. I'd be curious to see what some of the fellas would have to say...