Posts: 13

I'm sure that a lot of the guys on here have got a lot more experience with escorts than I've got so I need to ask for some information. When it comes to seeing an escort, I'm not sure what the protocol is. What are the things that you should do? What should you not do? I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I had some information on this. Anyone got anything for me? Any ladies on here have any experience or advice they want to share on what they do and don't want from their clients.

Thanks for asking this question. I wish that more men would. There are a lot of things that may differ depending on the escort that you're seeing. One of the things I would say is to be completely honest up front. If she asks for a picture, send her a real picture that's current and realistic. It's good to know what to expect when someone shows up at your door. Talk about things with an escort first before you go so you can find out if there's anything you've got in mind that doesn't jive with what she's willing to do. Never assume that just because you're there that an escort needs to do something that they don't want to do. There are a lot of escorts who offer a lot of different services, so make sure that you're booking your services accordingly. Just because you like the way someone looks doesn't mean that they're going to want to do everything that you want them to do. A good profile will have a lot of information on it about the services offered. Find an escort who offers you the exact services that you want, and book with that person. Another big thing that I would suggest would be that you never, ever bring someone else with you unless you've cleared this with an escort first. Never assume that this is okay. I've turned clients away for doing this and not taken future calls from them, also. Also really big, is the topic of protection. There are some escorts out there who are find with doing a lot of services without protection, and that's fine. If you want to have an experience that doesn't involve any protection, then you can find an escort who indicates that she's fine with performing these services without protection. There are plenty who do. On the other hand, if you've found an escort that you like and they've clearly indicated that they do not perform services without protection, then that is something that is not up for negotiation. Basically, find the escorts who offer the services you want, the way you want them, and be sure to read the information on profiles really carefully. If there's anything you're not sure of you should ask the escort you're booking whatever it is that you want to know before meeting with them. When in doubt - ask. Don't assume. Escorts are women like anyone else, and good escorts are professionals. Approach any escort with that in mind. I hope that helps.

I think that @milf4u pretty much said it all. I would also add that you shouldn't bring anything for an escort to do that you haven't cleared with them first. Things to wear, toys, whatever the case may be. Like the last comment says, when it doubt - ask.

I was actually expecting that the answer would be getting paid after the deed has been done lol. Also thanks to @milf4u for sharing us what you're truly after.

@milf4u if you don't mind me asking, are you an escort by any chance? Just wondering since your answer was in detail.

It really depends on your agreement and you better show up and follow any strict rules that they might imply to you. It's just a normal date or meetup for what I know. 


It really depends on your agreement and you better show up and follow any strict rules that they might imply to you. It's just a normal date or meetup for what I know. 
Are you sure that you're talking about regular men? It feels like the one you're talking about is more suited for men who are into bdsm.

It's simple I think both should respect each others preferences and wants. Avoid asking too many personal questions and make sure the price is right.

Reviewing the profile of the escort is a top priority so you would not commit a mistake on choosing the right one and make sure reviews are positive.

I think you need to play smart and it's only business, you are not allowed to hurt her or treat her badly. Take care of the escort and spend time with her like she's the girl of your dreams.


I think you need to play smart and it's only business, you are not allowed to hurt her or treat her badly. Take care of the escort and spend time with her like she's the girl of your dreams.
Not sure about the hurting her part since there might be some who gets an escort for bdsm related kind of pleasure.


Reviewing the profile of the escort is a top priority so you would not commit a mistake on choosing the right one and make sure reviews are positive.
Definitely agree with this, make sure you go out with a good escort because that will ensure you'll have a good time. And as for how you should deal with her, just be a gentleman and treat her like she is your girlfriend. 

Find an escort who provides the services that you are looking for. Be sure to read the reviews to know if they are good at their clients and performance as well. 

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