Posts: 12

Hiya everyone.., just wanna ask if you're experiencing some problems or issues with the filters in the website like me. I tried to look for BBW using the filter but it said that there's "no result" or something like that. Anyone who experiences this or is it just me? 




Have a great weekend!!! 💋

hmmm, I tried in my browser and it's working though... will try again later and update you

Nope, I didn't notice this problem because I don't use filter that much lol... I would usually browse escorts that were already recommended to me by my friends hahahah

Filter works fine on my browser, I just tried it right now. You should try and refresh your browser 

works fine on my device as well

try using other browser or a computer. I have the same issue before using my phone but it works perfectly with my laptop... 

Update: I did experience this yesterday lmao... 

It pissed me off because I was looking for a certain escort in an area and the filter didn;t work... uurrrggghhh, should I manually check all the profiles?



It pissed me off because I was looking for a certain escort in an area and the filter didn;t work... uurrrggghhh, should I manually check all the profiles?


what are you looking for? maybe we can give you a suggestions for those area or know someone who is great and offers services to your location or something like that

It would be nice if there was lady's in United States haven't been to London  since 1975


It would be nice if there was lady's in United States haven't been to London  since 1975

I think members in this forum are from different places.., I had a chatmate here once and he's from Asia. I am sure you'll find some girls in US here

you guys use filters? what for? I browse all I want and just check the girl I find attracted... 👌

Posts: 12
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