You'll find that there are quite a few escorts who are willing to offer services without protection, and it can also be a selling point for some. I would suggest that you consider asking anyone that you reach out to before you connect, if they haven't already indicated right on their profile. The only thing you should never do, is to as someone who has already made it clear on their profile that they require protection in order to perform services if they're willing to make an exception. These details are not generally open for negotiation, and chances are that the escort you've hired may not wish to see you again in the future. It sounds like you're someone who's looking to use protection however, which is always a good thing, and I've never heard any other escorts I know complain about clients who insist on practicing safe sex, so this is something that you shouldn't ever have to worry about asking. Simply talk about it with the escort, and you won't have any issues.