Posts: 10

I'm wondering about safe sex practices when using escort services. I don't think that this is an issue, but I'm not really sure what to expect. Is this something that escorts require of clients? Is this something that you're allowed to ask of them without being offensive? What is it that I should do?

This is a good question and the answer is likely to vary, depending on the escort. You'll notice that some escorts will say directly on their profile pages if they require condom usage or if they are willing to perform some services without. It's at your discretion if you want to ask an escort to use protection when they're performing services. I've never heard of anyone who's ever been offended by this, and if they would be offended by you insisting on practicing safe sex, then they're probably not someone you'd want to hire anyhow. This isn't something that you should feel nervous at about at all, when it comes to approaching an escort. Just tell them.

I know for me that I always prefer if clients are as insistent as I am about practicing safe sex. It makes me feel more confident when I'm with them, and it shows that they care about themselves, and that their being responsible. I'm someone who does insist on practicing safe sex and it says so on my profile. It gets really frustrating when people still ask if we can go without protection, even though I've made it clear on my profile. Maybe in your case, women who have already made it clear that this is mandatory for them are who you should be reaching out to.

You'll find that there are quite a few escorts who are willing to offer services without protection, and it can also be a selling point for some. I would suggest that you consider asking anyone that you reach out to before you connect, if they haven't already indicated right on their profile. The only thing you should never do, is to as someone who has already made it clear on their profile that they require protection in order to perform services if they're willing to make an exception. These details are not generally open for negotiation, and chances are that the escort you've hired may not wish to see you again in the future. It sounds like you're someone who's looking to use protection however, which is always a good thing, and I've never heard any other escorts I know complain about clients who insist on practicing safe sex, so this is something that you shouldn't ever have to worry about asking. Simply talk about it with the escort, and you won't have any issues.

It's never rude to consider your health and the health of others.

It really shouldn't be an issue if you're dealing with a professional escort. Having said that though, it is still your personal choice. I've been with some escorts who absolutely insist on using protection and that's something that I'm always respectful of. On the other hand, there are some, especially if you're a regular client, who are absolutely fine with going raw. I might be a little bit suspicious of an escort who's always willing to go raw with anyone, though. That's just my personal opinion. If you do decide to pay for services from an escort who's more open to not using protection, then you should definitely insist if that's what you want to do. Like the ladies on here have said, there are few if any escorts who will tell you that protection isn't an option, so don't worry about whether or not you're offending anyone. lol

From your question on condom usage "Is this something that escorts require of clients?" Yes, they always require you to put a condom and it's for your safety as well.

I would suggest that you use protection even if she tells you that she's clean. Also you need to protect yourself because there might be some who took take advantage of you and tell you that the child that she's carrying is yours.

They will refuse to have sex without a condom!  The reason is very simple. They have so many sexual encounters that risk their client of getting infected diseases.

It depends on the escorts so I suggest that you check escorts profile first. There are some of them who offers or accepts services even without condoms so if you are the kind of person of want sex without protection you can book them. As for me, I always want safe sex and I book escorts who requires their clients to use condoms. 

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