Posts: 14

I see escorts regularly and I'm wondering if I should be getting tested more often than I am. I usually get tested twice per year.

It's never a bad idea to get tested. Safety is always a good thing and it's in the best interest of you and the escorts that you're spending time with. There are lot of things to consider when you're thinking about how often to get tested though. Are you using protection when you're with the women you see? Are they insisting on protection? I'm not going to judge anyone but if an escort doesn't demand that you use protection then there's a good chance that you should be getting tested regularly. If you see escorts who you know are practicing safe sex and they are ensuring that they always practice safe sex with you then there's a good chance that you're fine if you're getting tested as often as you say you are. Remember that you're responsible for your own safety and that you should also take some responsibility for the safety of the women that you're spending time with as well. At least as much as you reasonably can. If you're always using protection then you're good to go with the amount of testing that you're already having done.

Dude if you're sleeping with different women all the time then you should at least be getting tested four times per year. At least that's what I would do. I hope you're using protection man.

As an escort I know that I get tested several times per year, even though I always practice safe sex with my clients and I never make exceptions. Even for regulars. Using protection is always a good thing but since it's not always 100% effective, it's important to make sure that proper precautions are being taken. If you're getting tested twice per year that's probably okay, especially if you're using protection. If you're not using protection though, you're putting yourself and the women you're with in risky situations. If you have concerns at any time, you should be getting tested right away before you have sex again. Otherwise, keep practicing safe sex and two times per year is probably a good number to go with. There's a lot going on our there so safety should always be a main priority.

I'm guessing that around six times a year? Or if you want to be extra cautious you can do it at least once a month. I don't think that doing it on a weekly basis is a good idea since the testing center might think that you're a hypochondriac.

If you reallly want to be safe, maybe do it at least twice a month. Especially if you do it more than three times a week with different partners. Also, if your partners are your regular ones, might as well tell them to get tested also just to be safe.

Of course you should have yourself tested considering that you often go out with escorts. You should remember that you're not the only person that escort is seeing. Always remember that it is better to be safe, than sorry.

If you're planning to do it with escorts more often than the usual then might as well do it in a quarterly basis.

If it keeps bothering you and somehow paranoid that you got the disease then you should have a test to stop thinking about it.

I'm pretty sure it's advisable if you get tested asap so you won't keep on thinking about it.

Do you often go bareback with the escorts that you're with that's why you're asking us how often should you do it? If you want to maintain that twice a year practice, I would suggest that you always wear a condom during sex.

It's better to be tested than to regret it later if you are having enough unprotected sex. Just saying.

Its good to know that you go for testing twice a year but as you mentioned that you see escorts regularly then I suggest that make it 2-3 times testing a year. Better safe than sorry. 


I'm guessing that around six times a year? Or if you want to be extra cautious you can do it at least once a month. I don't think that doing it on a weekly basis is a good idea since the testing center might think that you're a hypochondriac.
I agree with the monthly basis to be totally sure especially if you're the type of person who enjoys raw sex. Doing this will surely eliminate your anxieties about getting infected. 

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