Posts: 19



A number of escorts seem to be asking for gift card payments or deposits is this normal?




I have no experience with gift cards but with deposits yes, most if not all, requires deposit before the meeting..

yeah, they asked for deposits as assurance as some people would book but sometimes cancel at the very last minute. Imagine the bookings they had to turned down for the previous client who ends up cancelling 

Isn't there a number of days given where they can still cancel their bookings? @bassjets but I agree with you total bullshit to cancel on the day of the meeting

Thanks people, how do you minimise risk of deposit being lost to criminals/scammers.




Thanks people, how do you minimise risk of deposit being lost to criminals/scammers.



Make sure you're booking in a legitimate site, also, check out their cancellation policy and of course the girls, make sure they're active, verified and the reviews will be really helpful too. 

@babybio yes this is what I do 

gift card? Is it necessary?


gift card? Is it necessary?

For some yes, 


gift card? Is it necessary?

yes, more like assurance that you will really meet the escort 


gift card? Is it necessary?

For some yes, 

most of them though hahaha

Question about gift card. I was asked to buy Google play gift cards and I didn't go through it. To me it's highly suspicious they didn't want to accept cash. Also when your escorting to make a living, why would you want gift cards for games and movies? 


Question about gift card. I was asked to buy Google play gift cards and I didn't go through it. To me it's highly suspicious they didn't want to accept cash. Also when your escorting to make a living, why would you want gift cards for games and movies? 

Is this from an independent escort? 


Question about gift card. I was asked to buy Google play gift cards and I didn't go through it. To me it's highly suspicious they didn't want to accept cash. Also when your escorting to make a living, why would you want gift cards for games and movies? 

Is this from an independent escort? 

It's a scam if it's from an independent escort. Better book escorts with agency. 

Yeah it was independent and I didn't fall for it. 

Yes, today everything is normal. It also seemed strange when a girl from Escort asked me for a gift as payment. I'm very bad with gifts, and giving money is better. But since I noticed that escort girls like gifts, I started that every time I go with an escort girl somewhere, besides money, I also give her a small gift. I usually opt for gift baskets from  because they seem nice and cool. I'm sure it makes their day much more beautiful. There are many such gift boxes, so you have plenty to choose from. 

I downloaded Telegram several months ago and was bombarded with messages from girls claiming to be escorts all wanting payment upfront or giftcards. I only ever spoke to one genuine escort who was also listed elsewhere.

Not sure if anyone ever falls for these scams. It's quite funny to play along for a while. They ask where you're from, so I pick some completely random place in the UK and remarkably they happen to live close by to said random place 😊

Never really tried booking with escorts because I am always afraid they will run my money before even the actual job. it's weird why they want GC for games. is it a 1:1 equivalent? like if they charge you 250 , the will also be asking for a GC worth 250? I can't see any advantage of paying GC

I prefer bank transfer or Cashapp, gift cards are for punters/clients who do not wish to use these other methods. Some require a less or untraceable method. I won't however accept any more than the deposit this way, as I cannot convert it to cash - doesn't pay bills!

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