Posts: 15

Alright boys. It's time to talk about hygiene.

Oh yeah! I'm in on this one! I think that hygiene is one of the most underrated things that an escort can talk about with her clients. Fellas, it's really awkward for us to bring this up with you so hopefully as many of you as possible are reading this. Hygiene is surely important to you where we're concerned, and you can be sure that it's just as important to us, from our perspective. When you come to see an escort and you haven't properly bathed, do not be offended if she either askes you to do so when you arrive (some escorts actually offer this service). If you don't feel like this is something that you should have to do, then you shouldn't be surprised if an escort askes you to leave, or if she decides to leave in the case that she's doing an outcall. Paying for services doesn't mean that you don't need to make an effort. Prepare for a date with an escort the same way that you would prepare for a date with any other woman. Show up respectfully clean and smelling good. Please.

Preach, girl!

I can only hope that every possible man on this forum is reading this. There is never a reason to show up to see an escort in any shape other than the shape that you would show up for any other date. We are not obligated to provide you services if you are not taking care of yourself. This really is important to understand. You can also be sure that if you are turned away once, an escort is not going to entertain seeing you again, so if you're looking at someone who you really want to have an experience with, then that's great. Make sure that you make a first impression on her that's at least as good as the first impression her profile left on you.

it is completely unrealistic to assume that any woman is going to want to be intimate with a man who isn't practicing good hygiene. If you wouldn't want to deal with it from a woman, then don't expect that a woman would want to deal with it from you. If you're not into taking care of yourself, then don't even call, would be better advice. There might be some escorts out there who are willing to deal with poor hygiene practices but I know for sure that I'm not one of them and I can also confidently say that I don't know anyone else who is going to deal with that, either.

There's not really a lot to say that hasn't already been said but I would absolutely add a few thoughts of my own. If you wouldn't want to deal with someone else's poor hygiene, or if you wouldn't go out with your dream girl in the state you're in when you go to meet your escort, then you're not ready for a date. It's really not cool to expect any woman to deal with poor hygiene. So, if you're having trouble getting dates and you're looking to book some time with one of us, then the first thing you might want to consider is starting with yourself, and making sure that you are clean and presentable.

Ladies, completely agree. Why don't you message me?

Ofc every escort needs a proper hygiene and men will love it more if they sniff her in a fresh aroma without smelling like her previous partners.

I was expecting that this will be about having a client or escort who has poor personal hygiene.

I would suggest that you clean yourself properly before and after doing it with your client or escort in order to be sure that there will be no problems when it comes to certain smells that you might encounter.

It's better if you book a hotel room together and do shower sex. I bet she would love it and you will come out fresh and clean.

Why do you want to talk about it? Have you been with a client who had poor hygiene that's why you're hoping that this will be a reminder for them to take a shower before and after doing it?

Why not tell them to get into the shower with you if your client has poor hygiene. I bet he would love for you to give him a good scrubbing.

It's really an etiquette if you plan on hopping an escort then its best if you both take showers before and after, brushing the teeth is also a must and its good to present yourself with good hygiene.

Whenever I'm with a client I always remind them to take a shower before they're able to have sex with me. I can also join them in the shower if they're willing to give me something extra in return.

Posts: 15
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