Posts: 17

I am new to this whole paying for sex, escort, kind of thing and I am curious about whether or not it is safe? Are these girls like prescreened or checked on the regular? How do I know I will not be getting some sort of disease when I am with them? I do not want to catch something. Not that I think that these ladies would knowingly pass along a disease it is just one of those reoccuring thoughts that I can't shake. I have nothing but respect for these ladies, just wanted to put this out there and see what comes back.

I have been with plenty of escorts and have never once caught anything. Now, when I say a lot I mean like a lot a lot. Like more than you can probably imagine. I do not do the whole relationships scene so casual sex with escorts is how I live my life. So I can tell ya that every girl that I have been with as been totally clean. HOnestly bud, I would say just risk it and take the chance.

I can agree with that. I have been with many women on this site and have never encountered a situation that involves STDs. I had one girl punch me too hard and cut my face open and Ihad to explain to people what happened. I lied obviously but still that was it. Also, she was amazing. She knows how to please a guy. Pretty sure her name is Clara. She is truly wonderful, give her all of your business.

I think most escort sites require their girls to be checked out because they need to make sure they are not spreading diseases throughout the community. I might be wrong on this but it sounds like it is right. But like that soundsliek it would be right? Like thre would have to be some level of checking going on.

It all depends on where you're going to get the escort. Also you have to make sure that you don't get scammed and that the girl is clean.

From what I heard they go on medical centers and perform a swab on a regular or weekly basis. I don't have much information but I assure you that escorts are clean.

You are like one of those people who are STD paranoia thinking that they will get a disease after having sex with sex worker's and if you are afraid then use a condom so you can be safe.

If you really want to be safe, always use some protection whenever you're going to do it with an escort. Also you can get your self tested as often as possible to be extra safe.

Are the answers here enough for you to pursue on having an escort or you still need more convincing before finally doing it with one?

I think an escort will not risk the lives of others that's why they also go for protected sex. 

I’d say it’s probably a lot more safer than having sex with random girls after clubbing.


I’d say it’s probably a lot more safer than having sex with random girls after clubbing.
I agree with this one, it's more safer than having sex with strangers you've met at a certain place.

It might be safe but it varies depending on the escorts especially those who don't take care of themselves.

Since you're talking about health-wise, I would suggest to have yourself tested as often as possible. Why are you concerned all of sudden on whether doing it with an escort is safe or not?

These girls I believe are always prescreened and done checkups regularly since they are also concerned if they ever got something from their client. It's part of their routine to do medical checkups and they are required to do so.

Yes, they are taking care of their health pretty seriously and they actually have regular check-ups. They are also taking precaution like not going into sex with their clients without condoms so you don't have to worry that much, using escorts is pretty safe and fun. :)


These girls I believe are always prescreened and done checkups regularly since they are also concerned if they ever got something from their client. It's part of their routine to do medical checkups and they are required to do so.
Yes, and I best advice that you make sure to use condom in intercourse and avoid oral sex without protection. It would also help if you look for escorts in good websites, with good reviews from their clients. 

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