Posts: 13

So here is my story. I have cancer. it is basically spread through a lot of my body so Ican't be fair from apartment where all my medical stuff is set up. Like my oxygen tank and medication. I am very weak but I want to have lots of sex before I go. I want to feel a woman on my skin and I want to know what she tastes like. Do you think this would turn them off to do this with me? I also do not want to feel like a charity case. I want to feel like a real person who is attractive. I want to feel normal, do you think there are girls on here who would do that for me? It would make me so happy.

I think they will not have a problem with it. They would probably love to give you some passion in your last days. Like why the hell not. Spoil yourself. They have to deal with plenty worst, I am sure they will be on board with it. It will make them feel better about doing it because they know you are like dying man. This could really work out in your favor.

They will probably jump at the chance to be with you because this is something nice they could do for someone with cancer. You may actualy clean up when it comes to boning down on escorts. You could probably really make a dent. I believe in you. It looks good on them to do this sort of charitable work.

I always gave discounts to people who were that sick. You would not be the first person with something life threatening situation to come to us for sex. Like they just want to feel sexy and feel pleasure again. This is completely normal. it is not like you have some sort of infection that will get us all sick, you are dying man. Let us come to you and rock your world. There is nothing more noble than helping out those you do not have long to live and sometimes helping that person means giving them a blow job. I think that is something that is making their last days on earth a better place. And is not that what we all want? A better place.

If you're willing to pay for what they're asking from you, then you're not going to have a problem with it. Also I would suggest to tell them your situation first rather than surprising them about your condition once the two of you are together.

If you are a man who is too weak to do this then it might be hard for you and them and I know it's your dying wish so feel free to consult the ladies who will help you out. I respect you and I'm glad you told about the condition so it's not a surprise.

You have to make sure that your body can take it before actually getting an escort. I bet that you have no plans of dying while the escort is doing it with you. Also you might give the escort severe trauma if you die in the middle of sex


If you are a man who is too weak to do this then it might be hard for you and them and I know it's your dying wish so feel free to consult the ladies who will help you out. I respect you and I'm glad you told about the condition so it's not a surprise.
I think that he would make sure that he is healthy enough before he decides to get an escort so I don't think there would be any problems wihen it comes to whether he can do it or not.

@brielarkson I think that he would make sure that he's strong enough to do it. And why would he make this post if he knows that he's not strong enough to have sex.

Escorts better assist you with this one and I'm sure you can do it and there's still a fighting spirit left in your tank.

So, I'll just wish you mate a bit of good luck on your therapy and if I ever come across with escorts who can provide you then I will be happy to share it with you.

I'm sure that there would be an escort who's willing to satisfy your needs. But I would suggest to gather enough strength first before getting an escort. Also make sure that you tell her about your condition because she might be shocked or surprised when she arrives there at your home.

To be honest some escorts will be too afraid to take this one but I am pretty sure that there are lots of escorts who will be willing to take this offer as long as you pay them. And I agree with @brielarkson if you make sure your body can take it then escorts will be more confident to accept your requests. 

Posts: 13
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