Posts: 17

I met up with this one girl Brit who was literally so hot. SHe was this gorgeous white girl long legs and nice round tits. She looked like a knock out in the tight black dresss she wore for me. I do not know how to describe her looks more, she was an angel. But also she talked to me for like an hour afterwards about a couple bands that we had in common and we really hit it off. How soon is too soon when booking in again with the same escorts, I do not want to see too needy but I think I love her. Has anyone else ever felt this way?

it is just the pleasure talking. You can call in whenever you want. You are paying for it. But just enjoy your time with her and try not to fall in love. Be cool buddy. Take a deep breath, go for a walk and just be cool about everything. Calm yo self. You can handle this.

I was with this sexy black girl last week and I swear I was ready to sign over my mortgage to her. She was perfect and I was ready to wife her up. It feels so weird getting these types of emotions for escorts but I mean, we do share a lot intimate stuff together. it is bound to happen. I mean, it is the simple laws of attraction.

Man this thread got really emotional really fast. do not date an escort. Seriously, that is a dumb idea. Just bone em and be nice to em. Find love else where. Or do not find love at all. Who cares anymore? This is not the point in time to find love. Dating is not a great thing anymore, it is hard and it is lame and everyone kind of sucks. That is just the whole thing. So just ... hook up with hot girls, live your best life and do what ever the hell you want. You only get one life, make sure it is worth it.

I feel that the reason why you can't remember how she looked like is because you were too focused on the other parts of her body.

Can't believe that you broke the first rule when it comes to doing it with escorts which is falling in love with the escort. You should remember that what you're after here is to be sexually satisfied and nothing else.

Why not try and book her once we're allowed to go out and mingle with everybody again. Or if you want, try to invite her to watch a gig of one of the bands that you both like.

@riccirich not sure that he can immediately booked her once everything is back to normal since there are tons of guys who will be interested in booking with her.

@DolorisCalbourne are you think that Brittany was really that great in bed and he is in a endorphin high that's why he feels that he really enjoyed his time with her?

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I feel that the reason why you can't remember how she looked like is because you were too focused on the other parts of her body.


Yeah right! I think he's in love her round tits, lol.

It's so obvious that you really in love with her body.


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Hi @sual looking for a hookup? I am available.😊

Yep.... Married me twice in your pitch.... Once in Vegas and then again in Russia. Big mistake.... Dat one will ruin ya, but ya can still love 'EM up like a lusty lioness. Enjoy all da bits. Remember lad.... ya pay EM to leave aftawar not to stay and have ya drooln over EM 

The best thing you can do is booking a different GFE lady. Don't fall in love, you paid for it. 


She has an hourly rate, i suspect most would spent the time chatting rather than having sex if the opportunity offered.

Exactly, you can chat with a girl in a pub for free.

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