Posts: 16

I feel like men have been trained to like know what to do around escorts because of movies but they never talk about what girls should do with them. Like do we take them out for drinks or dinner? Do we just meet at the hotel? Is this just a totally weird thing? I feel so awkward about using this site being a woman but like...seriously, what do I do?

I never thought about it that way. Like yeah in tons of movies it is almost exclusively men paying for escorts so we know in thepry what we can do. But girls never grew up with that and it must be so weird to try the same moves. I guess you could but I am not sure it would feel the same. Although, I guess everyone likes jsut grabbing a drink and getting to know each other. Yeah, this could work.

I would say just meet up for drinks or right in the hotel room. They will work with you and go at your pace. You will have no troubles at all. I mean, I am an escort so I can say that ladies never really have to go out of there way for us. Ladies are always great. it is a completely different vibe from men. Plus I love titties, it is hard to turn them down.

Is there just a bunch on women on here who are like paying for lesbian sex from escorts? Because that is awesome. I did not that girls did that sort of thing. but that's cool. I like this a lot. WHat a great time we live in where ladies can just openly talk about paying for escorts. THis is really really great. I suport you all.

Why not just go for the girlfriend experience if you're planning to get an escort so that you wouldn't worry too much about it since she would act like your actual girlfriend whenever the two of you are together.

If you're worried about the type of man who you will be dealing with despite having the own knowledge on what the movie depicts then just do the standard meetups, grab a drink and chit chats and don't forget to question what he likes to do with an escort to make the night more fulfilling.

It is really seldom that movies portray what happens in real life. So doing something that you've seen in a movie is not a good idea. I would suggest that you treat the encounter like a one night stand. But instead of asking his/her number, you're going to pay the escort

I would suggest that you ask her if she wants to have something to eat or drink before the two of you do it just to be polite. There's a huge chance that she's going to eat and while she's eating maybe try to initiate some small talk with her.

Are you talking about guys who don't really have the experience and all they know is what they've watched and seen in the movies?

Well if he did pay make sure to make his night interesting and ask him out what to do and what he likes to do.

If you're talking about what's the protocol then it's best if you talk about it first before you meet. If you have an idea then share it with her so both can comply.

If you want, I would suggest that you find an escort that offers the girlfriend experience since that kind of service will be like going out with your girlfriend.

Not necessarily @trish69 I think he's not concerned about the GFE experience but he wants to know the actions needed to take her out like it's their first date or the most common thing we do with an escort.

You really need to talk to your escort before you meet so it won't be too awkward if you have no idea what's to do and you should ask her if she wants to be in a hotel or if both of you should first go in a bar to talk it out.

It all depends on what both of you agreed upon but I think you should invite him over at the bar first so you can both talk about the things you will do with each other.

I've never called an escort before, so I don't know what to say to them on the phone. Help or advise please?

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