Posts: 12

From an escort's point of view, what makes a perfect escort agency for you? How do they behave and treat you, not in general terms, but specifically? How do they look after you and protect you? What do they do that is so different from the just so so agencies, or even the bad ones?

Everything. From the vibes of the people you work with, the whole system of organization, guidelines, rules, respect, and confidence. When all of those factors unite, no matter if the agency has 10 or 100 clients a day. It only matters that everyone goes home stress-free and happy

hello im available 24/7 my name is Ellis 25 years old im sweet beautiful escort im here to make your happines so if you want im here on whatsap +447441461539

A good Agency will always put an Escorts safety before money.

A good agency will make sure the escort photo and discription reflects the escort sent. Weed out scamming escorts that undermine the cliant base of honest escorts. Have good customer relations to put things right when they go wrong. Look after the safty of escort and Cliant.  Lush Birmingham escort agency is not one of them. Sad because they do have execellent Romanian escorts. 

Respect is one thing I am really into. If I'm meeting with the agency and if I feel like they really valued me not just as a worker but as a person in general, it's a yes for me. 

If they respect my decision whenever I turn down a booking cause I'm not feeling it..

I always prefer Independent escorts over agencies, according to my experience agencies are mostly spam.


I always prefer Independent escorts over agencies, according to my experience agencies are mostly spam.


But girls are more trusted when they're part of a proper agency, I cannot trust the independent ones really


Everything. From the vibes of the people you work with, the whole system of organization, guidelines, rules, respect, and confidence. When all of those factors unite, no matter if the agency has 10 or 100 clients a day. It only matters that everyone goes home stress-free and happy

Everything that @esmeralda listed here is what I think comprised a perfect escort agency. 

I don't have a prefect one as long as it's not a scam, that agency is good to me. 


I don't have a prefect one as long as it's not a scam, that agency is good to me. 

I Agree!

Posts: 12
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