Posts: 14

I woke up to the sight of really dark red rashes on my back. I'm trying to understand what exactly these could be a sign of because last night I and an escort only had a couple of drinks and made out but I don't remember being aggressive. I'm not sure why I got these rashes, although we use clean bedsheets and new condoms. He's even tested for HIV but I'm just not feeling so great after my skin is messing up today. Is this normal or are they serious enough to get checked? 

Had it been an HIV rash, it would have affected the face, the chest, hands, and feet or even the mouth. It causes mouth ulcers especially, so I doubt it would have been one. Why don’t you get it checked from a doctor as soon as possible because you never know what it is?

Are you sure your partner did not have dermatitis? Contact dermatitis can lead to such rashes too. I highly doubt that it is herpes, otherwise, you would have gotten rashes on your genitals. 

I have a feeling that you might have bed bugs. Is your house well fumigated? I mean your maybe your bed or other household furniture has them?

It might be possible that you are allergic to some kind of component that is part of the drinks you guys were having. Did you go for a new brand other than your usual drinks? How about you check the ingredients of your last night’s drink and see if they are related to any rashes?I believe you should go seek medical help as soon as possible. Why take a risk?Is your rash a burning one? Is it itching too? If yes then yeah you would need a to see a doctor in person, if not then maybe wait for 3-4 more days, might go away on its own and you’re giving too much thought to it. Wait and see what the results show you.

Guessing you were way too drunk to recall what actually happened? Call up your partner and ask for the details to follow up. Alcohol can make us all lose it a little. A recollection of events wouldn’t harm anyone.

Are you on any medications? If yes, certain medications have such side effects too. If so, seek a medical emergency. Get well soon!

Human body can incur such rashes when it comes in contact with any latex products. Does your bedroom have any of such products or anything of that sort? There is a huge possibility though!

I don’t think you have anything to worry about, maybe you had a rash because of your clothes: probably the top that you were wearing, the material might not have suited you? 

It is possible that there's something in the drink that you had last night just like what the other ones have mentioned already. Or the bed that you've slept in had bedbugs on it.

I do agree that there's a skin reaction if ever you had contact with latex and also include the beauty products she used and what's in her clothes.

I hope that you're able to find out what happened to your back that evening. Have you tried to talk to the guy that you've been with and asked him if he ended up rashes on his back as well?

@YourForeverBoo do you really think that she was allergic to latex that's why she had rashes? If she was really allergic with them I think that she should have had those rashes down there and not on her back.

I thought this thread genital herpes and I was wrong. I only have rashes before and I get those ones from beauty products and you should be careful when she uses it too much.

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