Posts: 6

Ok so here is the deal. I have been using escorts for a while and I am now having trouble hiding it from my wife. I am very nervoud that she will catch me and I do not know what to do. I used to be able to just find a girl on the street and or a hotel bar but now everything is on the internet. So there is a minor amount of a paper trail. I do not want her to find out but I have no idea how to go about doing that sort of thing. What do I do when it comes to that sort of thing? How do I make sure that she never finds out and I stay out of the dog house forever? I do not want to start looking for a new life at my age.

Well first things first, put a lock on your phone. Assuming you have a smart phone. If you are using a computer, always use the incognito browser and delete your history just in case. Get an email that she does not know about and that way she will not see anything that you do not want her to see. Otherwise, just keep doing what you are doing. I think other than the internet stuff, you seem to know how to handle things. Just keep doing what you are doing.

Yeah I would agree with that guy. Just make sure that you keep a lock on your smart phone. Totally set up a new email that you can use to have these affairs with. Otherwise, Just make sure you are on top of getting checked by your doctor regularly so you do not pass anything along to your wife. That is a sure fire way to get caught. Just be cool man. Think about everything before you do it. Always erase your search history. That is always the one that will get you. Trust me on that. Never double book yourself and always pay in cash so there is no paper trail following you.

I have cheated on many partners and have never been caught. And honestly what these guys said is basically all you need to do. Cheating is easy and girls are not really that smart anyways. They are trusting. Just play up the good husband angle and she will never second guess you. You got this in the bag. After that it is just a matter of hiding your texts and emails. Consider getting a work phone that she doesn't know about. That is not a hard thing to do. Small stuff like this can really make things a hell of a lot easier. Simple stuff, man.

Yeah the big thing about cheating and not getting caught is that you can't change your attitude towards your partner. Never give them reason to think you are straying. Be the guy they fell in love with and they will never ask any questions. That is literally the best part about cheating. You can have your cake and eat it too. Meaning you can have a happy partner and still fuck hot babes on the side. it is a good life. That is how I kept all my affairs going, as long as you are the perfect boyfriend then there will not ever be any accusations. That is the key to a happy life and a happy extra martial affair.

I really like this topic so thank you @DennisTheMeance for mentioning this here. Reading the response give me idea for the future on how to catch my partner when cheating hahaha...

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