Posts: 12

So here is my issue. I have bad problems at spending a shit ton of money and going over my set budget and then I screw up my fiances for the month. I do this often. How do you control your spending habbits with these women? They are just too hot. Seriously. Straight up babes. It takes all my strength to not spend all my money and I fail. Please someone give me some tips on how to not blow all my cash and budget better. it is not at all that I want to give these women less money, I would give them all the money if Icould but I am giving them outside of my means and that is becoming a real world problem so please do not any ill will towards me.

Yeah that is a hard one for sure there bud. I know that I really have to use some self control because Ihave ended up spending thousands of dollars in one night with these ladies. it is hard. I am right there with ya. I find that if I disconnect all my phone payment apps and leave my wallet in a different room or in the car or something that helps. Like I would not be able to pay them right away anyways. Otherwise, I just have to keep thinking about my monthly fiances and try to not screw it up more than I have to.

I think I am too poor to have this problem. Like even if I wanted to get more I would not be able to anyways. My bank account would literally just give up haha. You guys have some good problems here, I must say. haha Sorry, I had to get that out of my system first. I get that my situation is different from other peoples sitaution and I am sure this is very hard for you. I get it but also... hahah Seriously, I wish this was my problem.

That is fucking true mate! These guys are worried about overspending, I am like barely able to afford what I want for an hour ahaha I would love to have this problem. I am lucky enough if I can save up enough money in two months to spend a night with oneof my favorite escorts. This is like a few times a year treat. I can't over spend haha.

I would suggest to set a certain monthly budget when it comes to your time with your favorite escorts. Also you if are really close with your escorts maybe you can try and work a deal with them since you're one of their regulars.

I agree that it's hard to budget your money especially if payday arrives and you always seek pleasure after a rough week at work. I think you need to set aside some of your money and learn how to control it.

@karynbelle I agree that it's hard to control it on payday since you feel like a millionaire during that time. My advice is to let your wife handle your money and only get what you need.

I think what izziestardust is a good idea since she's being practical when it comes to getting an escort.

What I'm going to suggest is something that you shouldn't be suggesting here which is getting a girlfriend or a fuck buddy. If you don't want to spend a huge amount of money on an escort, then find a fuck buddy or girlfriend.

@bruiseviolet your suggestion is kinda right but the way you told it sounded a bit harsh.

Make sure that you only spend within your means and if you ever want to spend more on an escort, make sure that you're willing to sacrifice something just to satisfy your sexual craving.

I feel like that jeanger gave a great advice when it comes to making sure that you don't go over your budget. So might as well follow her tip.

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