Posts: 7

Alright friends, I need some help. We are hosting this las vegas themed party at my work and it is an all male situation. no partners. so we want to bring in a few escorts. Has anyone have experience with bringing in an escort party girl? What comes along with it? Do we pay as we go kind of deal? How does the whole thing work? I would really love to know what I should be doing with this whole thing. Mainly so we do not end up charging ten's of thousands of dollars to the company for escorts. I feel like that will get us into trouble.

it is great and it so easy you literally just find the escorts you are interested and see if partying is option on their list of services. Then you just talk logistics with them. How long will they be there for? What d you want them to do? Will they take on extra back room stuff? That kind of deal. It will not cost the company that much money, you can do it pretty affordably.

As an escort who offers the party option I can say that normally we charge per hour and per service. You will more likely have to book in for a minimum of two hours. And then you will want to choose what happens at the party. If stuff comes up on the spot, you will negotiate and pay up front for everything. You can end up spending a couple thousand dollars easily. But it'll be worth it. Also the escort will know other girls who are also into partying that will recommend to you. it is good for us to have a friend there so we feel comfortable but also have someone we like tohang out with and party with. Makes the whole a much better experience.

I agree, as an escort, we try to not do parties by ourselves. We always know another escort that we connect with and like to party with that we will reccommend you book in with as well. But yeah what she said. That is how moist escorts operate. We like having fun and we like to make money at the same time and the party option is great for us. A lot of clients in one room. We can make a killing and honestly it is really fun. it is so sexy being the center of attention. it is a special kind of rush.

I want to come to this party like so bad. Where do I sign up for a job in this company. DAMN. that would be a wickedly good night. I should start being the guy that throws parties like this. I mean, if my friends aren't going to do something like this then I should be the one who fucking does it. You miss 100% of the shots you do not take. This is the time to do it. This is how we get shit done. I may have to hire me a couple party girls for my next party night. You have inspired me.

Hi @LetMeTalkToSamson so how was your esperience with bringing an escort to the party? 


Hi @LetMeTalkToSamson so how was your esperience with bringing an escort to the party? 
I thought I am the only one who is wondering about his experience lol. @aperill20 thanks for asking this hahaha.

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