Posts: 12

My girlfriend baile don me for the weekend and like whatever, fuck her. But I still need to bring a date and none of my buddies can make it work. Is it weird to bring an escort to like just come with me and hang out with me and help me not talk to my family? Is that ok?

Yeah bud it is totally fine. I know tons of people who use esort services to use as dates to weddings or work events or what have you. it is totally a normal thing to use this site for. Plus, escorts are great at making you look good and playing you up to your family and friends. it is really fun. You can pretend you are in a romcom or something. haha

I use escorts to pretend to be my girlfriend all the time. I have one now that I use often enough that we have a good report together and my family loves her. It'll be weird when I have to lie and say we broke at some point. it is so funny to me. We have a good time about it and the girl I have been using for a few months now is great at playing the part. She remembers everything we talk about so the chemistry is just perfect every time I need her for some sort of event.

NOT WEIRD AT ALL. literally half the people on this site have done that. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Just do not go bragging about how she is an escort, let her come up with her own back story. haha I would say just touch base with her before hand and get to know each other and then everything else should just come naturally. it is really not that hard man, just treat it like any other date. haha

Give'r bud! Hire an escort to be your girlfriend at events it is truly great. I have done more than enough times and it is so perfect. The best deal out there and you can always make sure you are getting lucky at the end ofthe date if you want. The best part is that you only need to meet up like an hour before just to go over everything, like the basics. She has got to know where you are from, how sibblings you have, what your job is, how the two of you met, things you both enjoy doing together. Go over ground rules, like never bring up that she is an escort or that you actualy do not like dating and this is all a lie. I mean, it is pretty straight forward but commit to the bit or the whole thing will fall a part.

Christ its not weird at all....and you'll have damn sight more fun  than going with an accountant....

Weird? Definitely not. Lots of people bring escorts on different events its totally normal were in 2020 now. 

Dude we are in a modern age and bringing an escort in any kind of event is definitely not weird lol and totally okay. Escorts are great with things like this so you don't have to worry anymore. 

Surely, you'll have a wonderful time when you bring an escort to that wedding.

There is nothing wrong at all. Infact bringing an escort could be better than bringing your girl. lol

If you need an escort who is good in GFE then I am the one that you need.


If you need an escort who is good in GFE then I am the one that you need.

are you a girl or a boy? Kinda confused with your username...

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