Posts: 12

Here is my conumdrum. I have told my guy friends about this site so much that they now want to sign up and start hooking up but like I do not overly want them too. I guess I am being selfish but like I want to keep all these ladies my little dirty secret and I do not want to share these ladies with those guys. I do not know. I jsut do not want to do it. Am I in the wrong here?

Yeah you are. do not take away these ladies right to make money. And do not brag to your frends and expect them to not want to try it out. Just give them the website address and let them do what they want to. cmon dude.

Dude, let your friends have fun do not be that guy plus you are taking away an oppourtunity for these aweoms escorts to make more money. You suck man. Give your friends the address to this site. what the hell man, be cool. Like for once in your life be cool.

Are you thinking that your friends would try to hookup with every single escort here on the site that's why you don't want them to be here? If I were you try to do it with the escorts that you really fancy first before telling them to sign up already.

I think you're just jealous and maybe in love with those escorts if you don't want to share them with your friends. You are not wrong but if you want to avoid it then you must recommend other escorts to them and never bring up the ones you like.

I think you are not wrong for not wanting to share them with your friends. Maybe you can tell and warn the escort to stop talking or sharing your own dirty little secrets and make a deal with her.

Since it's a secret I think they'll keep it. If you worry too much on her being with your friend then make it exclusive and be her girlfriend already haha.

Are you afraid that your friends will know about your dirty little kinks? Like what they say it's better to share dude than being selfish here.

@TysonAndringa have you let your friends join here on the site or you still haven't let them?

I don't see anything wrong with them joining the site. It is not like they will try and fuck every single escort that is here on the site.

You should be aware that none of the girls here are exclusive and any men can be with them as long as they pay so it must not concern you too much if they happen to book the escort that you want to hide from them.

@kandykendall you're absolutely right lol. 

Posts: 12
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