Posts: 17

My friend and I have been going over things and the one thing we have not checked off of our bucket list for sex yet is a Devils tricycle. However, finding a girl to do it is turning out to be a lot harder than anticipated. Literally no girl that we know will do one with us. So we are hoping that there is a lady on here that we can pay to do this with us. Is this something that is offered up on here? Are escorts ok with this? Has anyone ever had experience with this?

I have had some experience with this. You just need to do like some intense seraching through profiles on here cause very few escorts offer it. They are usually quicker to do the two v's one p threeway. But there are a few lovely ladies on here that will offer it. it is more expensive toobut that is to be assumed. Two dudes would clarly equal more money, just saying. But yeah just do some research and you will turn up someone in no time for sure. Good things come to those who wait.

I had one once in college. It was alright. I kind of felt bad for the girl. She was just getting it from both ends. It was really hot but I also felt that it was probably uncomfortable for her. I can see why most girls will not do that sort of thing. There is something hot about it but also I do not know, I think you should just focus on getting a regular threeway. Those are hotter anyways. Unless, you are gay I guess. I do not know. Whatever, you know what? You do you.

I offer this sort of thing but for a much larger rate. I realize we are not in the same area of the UK but if you were in this area we could work something out. A lot of girls will not offer this service for a number of reasons but honestly I like doing it. it is one of my best selling services. Turns out a lot of dudes are surprisingly into it and not just gay guys who have never been with a woman before. I agree though, all you need to do is search through profiles anf see what escorts in your area offer that services. If you can't find any, I would inquire politely to the ones that offer regular threeways and see what they are open to. Otherwise, boarden your search to further our regions. You will find it though. You just need to put in a little bit of work.

That is hot. Sorry, I know that is off topic but hearing that you are into that sort of thing makes me want to make the journey to meet you because I would love to get something going like that. I do not live too too far from you so I may plan a weekend. If I do not have a friend though, do you know a male escort that I could pay also to be a part of this? Is that an option or is it like I have to bring my own buddy kind of deal? I could probably find a buddy but like if you know someone we can make that work too, I do not mind paying a bit more.

Unfortunately you will have to bring your own buddy. As much as I would like to provide you with that option, I sadly only know female escorts. But I am sure that one of your friends will be down to do something like this with you. You would be surprised the amount of dudes who throw these kind of things together once they just bring it up to their mates. Men are a lot more open to it than you would think. I know for a fact that this will work. I have experience in this sort of thing.

They would defnitely be down for it as long as the price is right and how long the three of you would be doing it. What made you decide to do it with an escort and not just an ordinary girl that you can meet at a bar or club?

@hannahbanana Since he is sharing it here then it's basically an escort that he is looking for and if you know someone then you better share it so he can have a look at her profile.

I think the right name for that kind of threesome is a devil's threeway and not devil's tricycle or devil's three ways.

@sandyshore is that something that you've tried before that is why you know it or you heard of that term in an episode of How I Met Your Mother?

Maybe if you raise your offer then she might agree. Some are really scared but if you keep on looking for the ones who have experience then in no time she will arrange to have a devils tricycle with you and your friend.

Why do you prefer doing a devils three way rather than a ffm threesome? I think that's what most guys are into when it comes to threesomes.

@colenewing maybe he wants to make sure that he will be having a threesome with his bestmate that's why he's looking for an escort who's game for a devil's threeway with them.

@LoveSlayer do you charge extra if your client wants to have a devils three way with you and his friend?

@LoveSlayer where can I find men who are readily game to do a mmf threesome? Most of the men that I know have no plans of doing that kind of threesome.

During the lockdown time, where could i find the escort in york?

@wy there are escoryts who still accepts clients even with the pandemic we are facing. You can find some here in escorts ranking. It would be best to contact the escort and inquire if they have extra precautions that you need to take before seeing them. 

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