Posts: 10

Whenever we go out and I book an escort, I get really high and outrageous. I'm very active both physically and sexually and I love drinking alcohol. So for all those who drink this is for you. Never drink on an empty stomach. I was avoiding food since the entire day because I knew I'd be making love with my online bae but that night turned into being more about my health than us trying out different positions of the list of ideas I had. This hangover was completely insane, and I'd gladly keep short on drinks next time. They don't suit me at all!

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can turn out to be a great health hazard for you. It basically increases the rate of intoxication in your bloodstream, in addition to that the level of ethyl alcohol is higher if you consume it with any prior intake of food. So yeah, I have pretty much spilled all the beans for you! Take care in future.

Our digestive system is designed in a way that food in the small intestine absorbs alcohol, decreasing the rate of intoxication for you to have those alcohol-related symptoms. Not only this, but eating foods with increased fat level actually decrease the possibility of you to reach a toxic state so easily, in simpler words it paces down the process.

The biggest of the problem here is of consuming alcohol on an empty stomach. Alcohol consumption is very fast since there is an absence of food it has nothing to compete with. Most of the alcohol is taken up by the liver and metabolized acetaldehyde and acetic acid. The amount absorbed in blood will cross the blood-brain barrier and mess with your brain interfering in its signals causing an energetic reaction followed by depression and melancholy and finally the stage at which you feel disoriented and pukey. Would agree to you on that to never have it on an empty stomach else, my friend, your date can be compromised. That's a proven fact!

It obviously would be a state of stress for you both ruining your night completely. I remember one of my hookups had the same experience, although he believed that it caused him more acidity and hence the reaction.

Guess, I’m never having those drinks before my hookup night. So glad I read this, don’t want the escort to be making a fuss out of it or compromise on my health. 

I feel it’s quite okay to maybe consume some food before such an encounter, but food with alcohol only in a minimal amount to preserve your energy for the act. Apart from that alcohol does help you reach a better state of orgasm, that’s what my sister told me. I’ve been wanting to try it myself.

I’d suggest you have a nice little meal before you consume it so that your stomach components and chemicals can play around with the alcohol decreasing the level of alcohol concentration in your blood and leaving you in a NON-DRUNK state. This way you can have a good night out keeping your health measures intact. Have meat or protein intake prior, like sausages and burgers may be and if you’re a vegan have a block of tofu or even a glass of milk or have a cup of fruit yogurt before you consume alcohol and you’ll be absolutely fine by the night.

How about not consuming alcohol at all before sex? I’m sure none of us want to ruin our night so it’s better to take precautions than suffer.

I once had a few drinks on an empty stomach ended up puking on my escort and of course then passing out. I also had weird stomach pain before that and my head was spinning like a merry go round. I literally freaked her out although she was kind enough to help me out through the night and take me to a doctor. So folks, why ruin your night when you can actually enjoy it. Just be careful.

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