Posts: 3

I was searching for a blonde young looking escort near me in Cambridge and came across a profile of this so called 'BlondeCleo' . She looks really easy on the eye at first glance so i decided to give her a go. Comms were pretty good, we arranged it quickly and at that point i was so warmed up and looking forward to seeing her. 


Came to location, she texted me final details and then - blow out. The girl wasn't one in the pictures. I didn't want to argue with her and just proceeded with the session since she wasn't a complete minger (but didn't look attractive like in the photos neither). Sorted out paperwork, a quick shower and i joined her in the bed. Very light kissing (in her enjoying list is DFK) before she gave the poorest head ever if that even can be called BJ in the first place. She was licking it like a popsicle. After a minute of the 'BJ' i suggested mish. As i was pounding her increasingly she started moving her abdomen and totally ruining the moment for me. When she noticed i was distracted and not completely into it she began with frequent time checking and informing me how much is left till the end. 


Pissed off, i rapidly put the clothes on and left her place, i was so close to losing it...

Classic bait and switch, good thing is it cost me only 100 quid...

adultwork ID: 4397565




Please post a review on these sites.


She is further enhancing the reputation of Romanian escorts, is she being trafficked, she has been in numerous locations.

Ooooh it's a classic case when it comes to Romanian escorts.

Posts: 3
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