Posts: 7

Are the photos that escorts upload to this website always trustworthy? I'm new here and I'm asking this quetion because of a bad experience I had years back. I came across an escort on a different website and I loved her photos. But when she came over, she looked nothing like the person who was in the pictures. Has anyone faced anything like that here? I just want to make sure that I'm on a website where escorts are authentic. I don't want to waste my money paying for something and end up not getting what I paid for. Cheers!

I've hooked up with four escorts that I got to know about through EscortRankings and they have all looked exactly as they were in their photos. OR even better than in the photos! So I don't think you need to worry about anything like that. BTW, you should have refused her services and asked for a refund from that escort. You have the right to do that.

@RayX I don't think you will come across people like that on However, it's not a bad idea to be extra careful. Simply ask escorts that you contact to send you a selfie. That's a good way to see how they look in real life rather than in photo shoots wearing tons of make up lol Many of my clients ask me to do that and I always oblige. I don't want to lead them on to believe that I'm any hotter than I actually am. What's the point right?

Of course you can trust the photos of the escorts that are posted here. What makes you think that the escorts here are bunch fakes? If you want to be sure try to find the profiles of the escorts that have been reviewed by the members here.

Was the photo different or is it edited by a photoshop which makes it compelling and attractive? I'm pretty sure some edit their photo so it will look good.

Why not try and talk to them privately and maybe ask them another photo of themselves if you want to be sure that you're talking to the same person.

That's what you'll expect if you are just relying on photos. Maybe a video call will solve it in order to see what she looks like especially if there's no makeup on.

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