Posts: 13

What are the risks of seeing an escort at her place? I've been in touch with this escort on escortrankings and she only does in calls. So I will have to go see her at her apartment. The place neighborhood isn't all that great so I've been a bit worried. Is there a chance of me getting robbed? I know this may sound silly but I'm new to this and I want to find out. The last thing I want is to get robbed and end up at the Police station!

Don't take anything valuable with you when you go to see an escort at her place. Simple! There's nothing to rob on you that way!

@Drew41 If you aren't happy with the neighborhood, you shouldn't go see her. You can tell her that and ask her to make an exception. Sometimes that will work. She should be well aware of her own neighborhood. I agree with Leonard.Q to some extent but there's so much you can do about that. I mean I wear watches that are expensive. I'm not going to not wear a watch and leave my wallet at home when I go out. Your mobile phone, are you going to leave that at home too? So I don't think you can leave all your valuables at home when you're going to see an escort at her place. It's better to not go there if you're aren't comfortable with it.

If you are that horny and afraid that you might end up being robbed, I would suggest to just have enough cash with you or try to find another escort who's from a safer location.

If you're afraid that you might get rob, why not just find another escort who lives in a safer location. In case you can't find one and decided to go with the previous escort, I would suggest that you bring either a pepperspray or brass knuckles for self-defense.

If you are not familiar with the place then you should advise your escort to do it on other places so you would not risk going in there and you might find trouble.

If you're afraid that you might end up getting robbed since she lives in a sketchy neighborhood, just follow what @mistynite has suggested and find someone who lives in a much safer location. 

Going to suggest to just carry enough cash with you and maybe some pepperspray or taser if you really want to do it with that particular escort. Or try to convince her to do it somewhere else.


Don't take anything valuable with you when you go to see an escort at her place. Simple! There's nothing to rob on you that way!
I think we are all taking something valuable and its our life. We should always be prepared and aware in case someone wants to attack us.

@wadepoole what will he do if the escort doesn't want to change the venue? Do you think that it is just fine that he goes find a different escort?

I'm not worried about being attacked, I use to do MMA and a variety of other martial arts. My concern is being robbed by the girl. Never done this before and I am interested as I haven't had it in like 5 years! 


If you are that horny and afraid that you might end up being robbed, I would suggest to just have enough cash with you or try to find another escort who's from a safer location.
I agree with @lustybetsy on this one but I definitely suggest that you do the latter which is to find an escort who lives in a safe neighborhood. Better put your safety a priority rather than lust lol. 


Don't take anything valuable with you when you go to see an escort at her place. Simple! There's nothing to rob on you that way!
Yes, this is the solution if you're worrying about getting rob by the girl lol.

Posts: 13
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