Posts: 3

We get threads asking about a first escort meet, this was my experience.


Planning an impromptu visit to my estranged daughter alongside my first escort meets, sort of sets the scene.  In truth:

            I expected rejection from my daughter

            The escort was a distraction, if it didn’t go well

            Perhaps if it had gone well I wouldn’t have seen an escort?


The internet advertises lots of escorts but I soon settled on AdultWork as the biggest and perhaps most reliable service? The field reports and photo give you an idea of what to expect, soon a short list of escorts you would like to meet evolves. Then its planning when to meet the desired lady, in my case it was a well-established mature escort that I was to visit on the way back from my daughters. The first anxious text, wow a quick reply, we soon sorted a date/time and agreed I would phone at 3pm before the planned 7pm meet.  3pm comes, time to speak in person and I anxiously phone but no answer! I give her 15 minutes and try again, twice more I try – the next days she texts to apologies she had a family emergency!


Luckily I had a reserve list, no answer to the first, I leave a message, that is the pattern for the night no responses, do these ladies ever work or answer the phone, ok this is the result of a last minute arrangement. Then an answer, perhaps by now my nerves had settled, it was a very easy matter of fact conversation, the meet was arranged for 8pm, she gave me her address and asked that I phoned shortly before the planned meet. Time to kill, I located her house a scruffy council house, then got a bite to eat and finding a quite layby contemplated what is about to happen.  I freshened up, clean pants and used wet wipes on the little parts and one of those teeth cleaning balls for my teeth. As the appointment draws closer I drive to the location I had chosen to park, getting far more anxious . The phone rings, can I delay 15 minutes, well yes I go for a walk, this happens again, she is polite and straight forward on the phone.


Then I start walking to her house, excited/nervous lots of emotions – the phone goes again, this time it’s a chat she can see me walking down the road, that’s reassuring as I walk toward the house I can see her shadow and then approaching the door, I can fully see her.  As I approach she kisses me on the cheek says “come on in” shuts the front door and goes up the stairs, I follow, observing a nice bum under her jog pants but wonder were the requested stocking and suspender are? I am led into the bedroom, just a bottom sheet on 

the bed she goes to one side and indicates that I go to the other, telling me to leave the door open. I get my first view of her, early 20s perhaps ½ cast, as she removes her clothes I do likewise. Her boobs are pert and proud, the casual clothes unremarkable apart from a very small pair of white knickers – which I find sexy.

Naked I get onto the bed, she does the same and immediately moves towards my penis, sucking it nicely. It’s lovely, part of me wants to let her continue to a glorious conclusion, but this is my first time and there is so much I want to do. We move positions and I suck her nipples, they are exquisite on such lovely boobs, her pussy, it’s a black girls dark lips all alluring, I hesitate what else has she been doing??   Her pussy is incredibly attractive and I thrust my tongue into her sweetness, it was truly lovely.  Perhaps I don’t know the form, does she move me on or perhaps doesn’t like receiving, anyway she remembers my request and gets off the bed goes to the draw and finds some black hold up which she puts on. She also give me a condom, apparently they are chocolate flavoured she says, as I put it on. She is back on the bed legs open and raised to provide full access, I probably should have given her oral again, but instead slipped my cock into her and the sex started.


Truthfully I wasn’t hugely aroused, regretting not having played more with that lovely body and probably still anxious as she was my first escort. As we moved positions I slipped out, partly her pussy was very moist (was she aroused, or had she used lube in advance of a client meet, it hadn’t seemed overly moist as I licked her). I was told to put it back on and continue. Inside her again, I knew I had to finish and increasingly fucked her hard, she was groaning, in pleasure or pain I wasn’t sure – I wanted the main event and fucked her until I had a huge cum inside the condom.


Afterwards we cuddled and chatted, that in some ways was the nicest bit, we were both relaxed as the deed had been done? I had lost track of time and after what seemed like an appropriate period went to the loo and removed and flushed the condom. This amused her, we both got dressed and I prepared to leave, on the door step I got what was actually a brief sensual kiss on the lips. Returning to my car I had been 45 minutes, I drove home satisfied but also perhaps anxious.


The next day she texted to say thank you, while I had a slightly sore cock, probably my fault from being to vigorous – nether the less I put myself through the ordeal of STI testing receiving a negative result. I watched her escort journey for a time afterwards, she was increasingly slutty on line, how much was acting I don’t know. She had moved/retired before I wanted an escort again, would a return had been better – that’s to learn with another escort.


Reflections  My first escort was a huge events for me.  In practise it was very prescriptive, go to bedroom, undress fuck, other than the condom and the nerves, and an untidy house was it very different to the first time with some girlfriends?  Sadly I didn’t explore a truly lovely body, my first mixed race lady.  The room was functional, perhaps a shared working room, was she to young for a connection, was I cruel when I was very vigorous physically, or was  it within her experience with partners/clients.  It was honest, I was paying for her time and she offered her body for my pleasure, the cuddle and chat after was very intimate.

My first escort was the result of a dare game with my pals. Young and foolish wandering through Amsterdam, the Red Light district was one of the places we intended to visit. All of us were bragging how we will go for it and do this and that with escorts but when the time to act came none of us seemed to be much interested in walking through that door and actually taste some of the girls. So i was quite revolted with the scale of anxiety that caught us and just went in the first premises next to the girl in the show window. Everything happened so fast and vaguely since we were under the influence of substances well related to Amsterdam. Experience was shitty and limited and i remember that i regretted splurging money on nothing. No touching, no kissing, oral with a condom, always whining about something, i couldn't pop even  once, struggled to keep him hard, so after some time i just walked. 


It's really surprising that i decided to see an escort again afterwards...

Ohh good old Amsterdam and tourist traps in the Red light district. I know dozens of guys who were there and none of them had a good time actually. Good place for getting baked and having a few pints, other than that there's nothing worth mentioning there.

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