Posts: 6

Veronica69 has left London, she was an unreal experience. Could shove her head down on my cock with no regard for her safety and she had so much passion. Anyone else like this?

Will she be back or she moved for good? This one is a total goer, albeit the rates are quite steep...

Ivana is a goddess. She gives incredible services and in the looks department she's top 5 i've seen in live.

Agree to that, she's a fantastic escort, but it brings other stuff too, it's so hard to get hold of her.

When you perform like that no question you'll become a popular and the most wanted escort in London. 

According to her adultwork profile, Veronica is back to business. She's in London and available... 


Will she be back or she moved for good? This one is a total goer, albeit the rates are quite steep...

When you take her service and reputation into consideration, the rates are not steep at all, she's a top shagger and definitely deserves the money.

Posts: 6
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