Posts: 11

What’s one thing an escort does that results in a negative feedback? A poor attitude is an automatic turn off for me. If they are that bad, I would really give negative feedback just to warn future customers. If not much, I just let it off and not give any as I understand that it would ruin their rating and would just conclude that maybe she’s having a rough day.

When they treat you like they're annoyed with you and they just rush things, that really pisses me off. It Happened to me during my third booking, it sucked and I definitely left a paragraph or two about how bad the service and the attitude is. 

I hate it when the picture they have in their website is way too unrealistic. Its like I've beem scamed. This happened to me many times, and its so frustrating. 

False information is what I really hate. There profile says that they offer this kind of services but when you already at the meeting place they go refuse your request.

I have the same reason as yours @wadepoole. There description says warm talker but they just talk rude and rush things. Its very frustrating!

There are escorts who are good at acting you know. Standing infront of you like they know what they are doing but its all an act.I don't like that, they should just tell you first hand or put that im their website.

Rushing things is what I really hate. They just take off their clothes and lay down on the bed, and do their thing. I really hate it.

I met this escort who I left a negative feedback last week. In her website it has her services and its prices, but when we finally meet I was annoyed because she keeps on saying that I need to pay some extra money. It would be fine to give her if she is good but she is obviously not! It frustrate me, making me leave some negative feedback.

Paying for a service that I really want to do but when we meet up the escort would decline doing the service. They should not have put it in their website if they won't do it anyway. I hate it, really!


Paying for a service that I really want to do but when we meet up the escort would decline doing the service. They should not have put it in their website if they won't do it anyway. I hate it, really!
We kinda have the same concern. Booking escorts that have good services and paying it expensively. But when they do the service, they obviously don't know how. It really sucks!

Rushing things is what I really hate. They just take off their clothes and lay down on the bed, and do their thing. I really hate it.

You should have to tell that escort that you like here to take it slow, I mean tell her that she will take time.

Posts: 11
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