Posts: 12

Any of you been into those massage parlor that offers sex? Like having a hot sex with your hot masseur or masseuse seems fascinating.

I tried that once, I hesitated at first, but it was fun.

I am curious about that, I hope I’ll experience it. 

That sounds interesting. I wanna try it! can’t wait.

I had it once with my friends. The girls are awesome and it was amazing experience. 


Hot massage sex is one of the best experience i ever had. 

I already experience hot massage sex. before, with my work mates. It was fun, And I really enjoy it. 

Yes, with my friends, hot massage sex is our pass time and stress reliver.  

@cevinkey Same here! Sometimes, you know for a stress buster. And if I have extra money. 

Yes, everytime i had a freetime or if i am bored, massage sex is my pass time.


Hot massage sex is one of the best experience i ever had. 
@scarjo me too! it's Enjoyable right?

@snakeeyes69 I love hot sex massage! That's my stress reliver. you should try it. 

Posts: 12
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