Posts: 17

Anyone available tonight cheshire

Hi @marcybs38 How are doing?

Iโ€™m pretty interested but i am kinda busy. 

Hi @marcybs38 I'm bored, want to have fun with me?

Hi all well we can't have you bored izziestardust can we. Sure one of us can help you๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Hello there Marcy. How about some chat?

@brodie69r I can do some chat ๐Ÿ˜‰

@jessiejay please check your inbox babe ๐Ÿ˜‰

@marcybs38 you still available. I know someone looking for fun, if you want I can recommend you..

Tell me @felicity87. I am so bored, I need to have some fun.

am I late here? I wanna have some fun. Let's have some chat!

Hi @Marcybs38 I am curious about what you offer. 

I am sure thereโ€™s a lot of escorts here that are available, What would you offer to them then?

Why are you asking? I can meet you right away if you want.๐Ÿ˜Š


Tell me @felicity87. I am so bored, I need to have some fun.
@lustybetsy bored? Why don't you try dating sites? you know, chatting or video calls,  for past time.


@marcybs38 you still available. I know someone looking for fun, if you want I can recommend you..
@felicity87  Really? Can you recommend at least one? I appreciate it. 


Iโ€™m pretty interested but i am kinda busy. 
Hi @thorab how about now?๐Ÿ˜…

Posts: 17
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