Posts: 11

Are escorts safe with their hygiene and health because my last experience got me extremely worried?! Maybe we had had a lot of alcohol or it was getting really late that Selma began to feel nauseous, almost as if she wanted to vomit after we have had some fuelled sex for at least half an hour. I thought at first that maybe she did not use safety properly or must not have noticed her periods ending but it wasn't her menstrual cycle perhaps. I think it was either the drinks or the exhaustion because generally, these websites assume of escorts keeping a tight check on their health and menstrual cycles as well. 

It varies from girl to girl actually, this one escort that I got my hands on was super concerned about her hygiene and would make sure that she was properly waxed and cleaned down there like she used these ph-balancing scents for her vagina. Not only that but like her whole body smelled so god damn good, like ripe strawberries. So yeah she was super freaky about her own hygiene. And you’ll die laughing if I told you that she even made me shower before we did it and popped some mouth peppermints before making out. Weird, but I liked it.

I think it was due to the alcohol consumption. Did she try any new drinks with you? It can have some side effects or maybe she had a bit too much alcohol. Did you guys not keep a count on the number of drinks? Losing a count on the consumption rate can lead to such alarming situation.

Dude, did she by any chance have alcohol on an empty stomach? You know this happened with a colleague of mine, he hired an escort this one time and had alcohol without having food all day long . Ended up having aggressive sex at night and result in a health dilemma. It not only ruined his date his escort had to rush him to the hospital in the middle of the night. Thing is since we have alcohol on an empty stomach, the chemicals inside have nothing to compete with because of no food so it gets absorbed easily in the blood and you start experiencing those medical symptoms that are nausea, vomiting and eventually passing out.

They are pretty particular about their menstrual cycles, and make sure to not indulge in intercourse during the start of it, it can be pretty painful for them too. Moreover, I heard that if they are about to experience their monthly cycle they take some kind of pills to stop them in case there is a chance of sex. So I highly doubt that she had her periods around the corner. 

I think she probably ate something before sex that she was allergic to? There is a high possibility. Secondly, I feel one should never have food if they are planning to have such highly intense sexual activity because it can cause these symptoms especially if you are doing it doggy style. 

She must have consumed a lot of alcohol that's why she is feeling sick. It's really hard to keep up if she is not in a normal condition.

Yes, escorts are really good with their hygiene as they are really taking good care with their body. Maybe she's just not feeling well that time.  

Maybe you guys had different drinks that night or maybe she did consumed alcohol more than her limit. Escorts are pretty much careful when it comes to their health especially with their hygiene. 

@JakeTroy Escorts are attentive with their health and hygiene. They are well aware not to engage in sex when they have their period. In your case, something might have happened before or during your meeting. It could be the alcohol or the food she ate. 

@MateoKevin That is right! I also experience drinking without eating anything and it really sucks. Like I want to vomit everything of what is inside my stomach.

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