Posts: 4

Coming from an extremely active user on social media, you wouldn't wanna miss stalking your escort or potential slut you're hiring for fun. It seems casual and informal, but what's the harm in searching for their profile and filling yourself with information you can already be prepared with when you meet. For me, this always improves my overall interactions with the escorts I have booked, and the time spent is worth it. These social media websites make it so easy for you to catch up on small details you can bond over or find out all the freaky things you mutually enjoy doing!

Haha, we both legit have the same interests. I, too find immense happiness and peace at stalking the women I tend to sleep with before our official meet up so that I am aware of a few of their likes and dislikes. Some people might consider us to be freaks who have got nothing else to do but I feel there is a whole lot of advantage to do your homework on a certain matter to keep you prepared for whatever it is that would come up. Everything has its pros and cons and so does stalking. But, in order to secure your future and make it worth the time and money, one should definitely fill themselves with information that would help them mingle with their sex bud.  I remember my brother booked an escort without doing his research work on her and by just looking at her insanely hot pictures and regretted later on. His regret lied in the fact that she was way too egoistic and was not at all interested in pleasing her clients which was something written in one of her reviews too which he came across later on. My brother explained to us that all she did was flip her hair and make a bunch of sexually attractive expressions which alone did not be of much help to him and neither did they get in bed for she was so very busy answering phone calls. Long story short, you all better know each and every detail of an escort before you visit her.

Honestly speaking, one's stalking skills can prevent them from huge losses that they would be enduring in the future. I was looking for someone online to have a one night stand with and finally got my eyes on a rich and handsome gentleman who looked quite attractive and was the best texter I had ever come across. All thanks to my best friend who was even more excited for my night than I was and actually decided to stalk him the night before and find out all she could that would be of some help to me. When we started digging into his social media accounts, started searching his friends of friends and all the comments that were posted underneath his pictures, we came across some really shady people who were actually drug dealers. My friend immediately made a fake account and started communicating with them and turns out that the man I was going to see the next day was one of the members of their creepy huge gang of drug dealers. I was literally in a state of shock and took a second to block him from everywhere but that weirdo did not leave me alone for seven long and fearful days. I am so glad to have been friends with someone who was a pro and was keen to learn more about the one I was looking forward to seeing. Stalking skills makes one unbelievably blessed!

@SexBabe I've had the same experience as well but the guy didn't turned out as bad as yours, just with some really bad habits. After that incident, I made sure to check the guy I'll be going out with. Scared the shit out of me. 

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