Posts: 17

i'm a 40 years old straigth man that looking for an Horny Girl to have fun, i like lycking pussy and have pleasure of a long and intense oral sex until cum. i would like to push my tongue into your juicy pussy what needs to be done to get to orgasm. 

I'm in Nottingham NG7, drop to me an email or PM to let me know.

I'm waiting for you.

intense oral sex sounds good man! I would also want that. Girls hit me up 💌

my hole is to eager to have an oral 💦 my pussy's throbbing 👌👈


intense oral sex sounds good man! I would also want that. Girls hit me up 💌

intense oral and hard core sex is a perfect match for me 💦


my hole is to eager to have an oral 💦 my pussy's throbbing 👌👈

So, @sluttyhoe let me knw how i can do it :)

Send to me a PM and if you can, a picture of your wet pussy!!


intense oral sex sounds good man! I would also want that. Girls hit me up 💌

intense oral and hard core sex is a perfect match for me 💦

oh i'm here for you toon honey! As i said, send to me a PM and we can find a wai to to that.

So, Girls, Lady, anyone?? I'm just waiting for you to give an intense and hard oral sex(and then go ahead to have fun)

Oh sex, hey there ❤️


Oh sex, hey there ❤️

hey there! Do you do you want to have fun? :) 💓

I'm still bored and i'm looking for a gilr to have fun. I thought all you like have an intense and hard oral sex. What you waiting for? 

Do you need some incentive? Pictures? Money?

Let me know, i'm here waiting for you.

Is this for today? 


Is this for today? 

Hi @liquni8969 it's for tomorrow, afternoon around 4/5 PM. It could be ok for you? Or let me know when you prefer...

Hello, hoping I can find some ladies here who want sex this Sunday 😊


Is this for today? 

Hello there Darling, when are you available? I'll adjust to your free time

@lyquni8969 are you available fot today?? Do you still want join me? 


Anywoman interested in have sex, intense and hard oral sex and have fun together!? Let me know and help me to be less bored :)

What a man how want to make Sex and give Pleasure to the women, in anyway possible, have to do to have a chance to make sex with someone? Please, let me know if i made something wrong because i losing hope to find some one to have fun.

It's very annoing

Currently in London though... 

Posts: 17
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