Posts: 17

That multiple men, young and old, suffer from erectile dysfunction.


That it's true what they say about skinny guys wink


That just cos a man is respectful and lovely, and buys you dinner, doesn't mean there is any sexual congruence.


Finally: A really tall bloke doesn't equal really large tackle!grin


So what have you learned?

I love the third sentence, it's definitely true and it's sad that some people mistakes nice gesture for sexual intentions. 

That I should not pour all my love to them and keep something for myself. They all end up hurting me and leaving me all this pain. 


That multiple men, young and old, suffer from erectile dysfunction.


That it's true what they say about skinny guys wink


That just cos a man is respectful and lovely, and buys you dinner, doesn't mean there is any sexual congruence.


Finally: A really tall bloke doesn't equal really large tackle!grin


So what have you learned?

Yes babe. The first one is so true. I had a sex with an old man who has this and I just thought, "well he's old so" but then I experienced this with a young man and it suprised me that time. I did a little reserach about it and ask people I know and found out that it can happen to anybody regardless of age. 

Things I learned from lover is that sometimes one man is not enough. This is because he might be a good person, mature, understanding, considerate and all that but flops in bed. 😞

Not every man flops in bed beautiful, you haven't met a proper man with a high sex drive, trust most guys even up to age of 44 can at least cum twice without stopping before a break is needed 

I'm guessing this is the reason why people who found good guys and still cheat @lenahoe69. Well, it's definitely not fun if something's lacking in bed. 

That an open minded can literally rock your world. 😁 I have my go to escort right now, been booking her for almost a year now. 

1. The only person you will spend your whole life with is you. I wish I had understood it earlier. We should love ourselves. We should take care of ourselves cause you know no one will do it for us. People come and go. That's the law of life. 2. Girls, don't think that sex is the only thing we need. I've been struggling with ED for quite a long time, and I still read articles like How much dosage is required to cure erectile dysfunction? And, you know, sex is not what I need the most though I can have it. We need love, communication, and acceptance. 3 (or 2.1, maybe). Money doesn't matter, but love does. A bit ordinary, but that's true.

Lessons huh, there's a lot but I guess the one that really change my life is "to never give your all" to someone. 

When she says I love you, it doesn't mean she certainly does. 

lol poor boy who broke your heart? 

I've had many clients with ED,we have had great fun ,with each other.  They message you expressing they have that is that okay to book you. .of course I express to them. 

Did you give them some hard time? If you know what i mean 😁

lol, of course she did, look at that body mate...

Having an attitude makes them hornier...

That's so true, shy ones are not my pair of shoes. 

Posts: 17
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