Posts: 11

Sometimes when I post something I don't see it in the feed! Why is that?

Maybe the content of what you are posting is not appropriate for the forum and the admins are deleting it.

Sometimes there are so many posts in a forum, yours may be down the list so far that you are just not seeing them. Have you looked through them all?

What kind of topic do you post here? I think your topic that you post here is not appropriate, and that's why they deleted it.

Have you tried searching for your post to see if it comes up? You can use some keywords to check it

I noticed some responses I have here on a post are removed. Like the ones giving out their numbers offering free fuck. LOL they are swept off by the admins 

Hmmm, thanks for posting this topic. Lol now I know not to post so inappropriate things as it might get censored. I just wanna ask though, is topic about cums or orgasms or blow jobs inappropriate? 😝


Hmmm, thanks for posting this topic. Lol now I know not to post so inappropriate things as it might get censored. I just wanna ask though, is topic about cums or orgasms or blow jobs inappropriate? 😝

No Baby, the inappropriate ones are the boring topics but cums and orgasms, they're hot topic here so please talk about it more. 

You sure you posted it? I mean it could be an error on your side like a slow internet connection or a broken computer or something

Every post which contains a link needs to be approved by escortrankings admins. That's why some posts are not visible immediately after someone posts them.

Every link needs to be checked and approved (or not). If the link is valid according to our terms and conditions it will be visible a short time after. 

Posts: 11
Total number of topics: 1712 Total number of posts: 16820