Posts: 18

I think one of the things that I want to do most is find a girl who is willing to get down and dirty with me and my friends. I do not know if that is something that I can just ask. Like it may not be a gang bang (unless she is into it of course) but it would be like she comes over and we all take turns. How does that work? Do girls on here even offer that type of thing? Is that something that is ok? I do not want them to feel like they are not safe with us. I want them toknow that they are safe but I get it. A lot of guys in one room looking to get laid can be very intimidating. How do I go about this?

If I were you I would message the girl a head of time with all of these concerns. And see what she has to say about it all. Make sure that she knows that she will be in a safe zone. Let her know that she can bring someone with her to make her feel more safe. do not expect some kind of group discount or anything That will never happen. Like at all. Escorts do not offer discounts just cause there is more than one of you.

As an escort I can tell you that most girls do not do that sort of thing just because of the safety issue and if we do, we bring along our body guards with us. There have too many horror stories of bad things happening with group events in private rooms that we need to feel safe at all times. If that is an issue, you probably will not find a girl who is going to do that. Safety first. Always. Also, yes, we do not offer discounts for like any reason. Every now and then if I have a returning customer who has been loyal for a while I may give them a little extra free of charge on their birthday but like that rarely happens. This is how we make money, so we do not have time to be gving out free passes to people.

That is fair. I would never want to make anyone feel unsafe at any point in time. I am fine if they want to bring someone. I just want them to know that they are safe and that I (or any of my friends) would hurt them. I also never assumed we would get a discount. I would never want one. I completely agree, thsi is your livelihood, I would never ask you to give me extra for less. I respect you ladies too much. Thank you for clearing some stuff up for me. I super appreciate it. I would also never want you to think that you can't bring your hot chick friends with you when you come to my place to party. I would never say no to more girls espexially if it makes you feel safer. I wouldlove to make you feel safe.

No problem, glad I could be of some help. There are very few things that I am smart about but this happens to be one of them. I never thought it would be growing up but here we are now and I am all about this life and making sure that people are safe. I would not want anyone walking into a bad situation. Even in party situations, we are always safe even if it is a public space. You have got to be safe first and foremost. Listen up young ladies. Even with fuckingone on ones we are always doing our best to be safe. People always know where we are and how long we will be there for. Some of us carry mace. Some of us have a bodyguard that hangs out and is called when assistance is needed. If you aren't putting your safety first, you aren't very smart. Use your noodle, it is what it is there for.

I think one of the things that I want to do most is find a girl who is willing to get down and dirty with me and my friends. I do not know if that is something that I can just ask. Like it may not be a gang bang (unless she is into it of course) but it would be like she comes over and we all take turns. How does that work? Do girls on here even offer that type of thing? Is that something that is ok? I do not want them to feel like they are not safe with us. I want them toknow that they are safe but I get it. A lot of guys in one room looking to get laid can be very intimidating. How do I go about this?


Im a dirty girl im candy email me [email protected] 

Have you tried contacting the ladies that might be interested with having a gang bang with you and your friends? There's a huge chance that you and your friends might pay extra since what you're expecting from her is something that is not offered often.

@BabyGurlBrit what were some of the worst stories that you've heard about gang bangs? Was there a guy who got carried away and mistreated the escort badly?

I think you should look for ladies who are into multiple people at once or group sex. If the girl can withstand being penetrated one after the other then I think she would accept such offer from you.

I think one of the things that I want to do most is find a girl who is willing to get down and dirty with me and my friends. I do not know if that is something that I can just ask. Like it may not be a gang bang (unless she is into it of course) but it would be like she comes over and we all take turns. How does that work? Do girls on here even offer that type of thing? Is that something that is ok? I do not want them to feel like they are not safe with us. I want them toknow that they are safe but I get it. A lot of guys in one room looking to get laid can be very intimidating. How do I go about this?

@tazman are you interested on what @naughtydarcxx is offering that is why you quote her post?


I think you should look for ladies who are into multiple people at once or group sex. If the girl can withstand being penetrated one after the other then I think she would accept such offer from you.
There is a huge chance that there are ladies here who can handle multiple guys. But just like what one of the members has mentioned here, she needs some protection for her won personal safety.

What if you ask for another woman probably someone close to her? so she will not be intimated with just guys and it's more like a moral support to her.

Escorts who accepts these type of request is pretty rare but yes, they do exist. I am sure you can find someone here in escort rankings. 


Tazman is up for that am game for it me x

tazman is game
I think one of the things that I want to do most is find a girl who is willing to get down and dirty with me and my friends. I do not know if that is something that I can just ask. Like it may not be a gang bang (unless she is into it of course) but it would be like she comes over and we all take turns. How does that work? Do girls on here even offer that type of thing? Is that something that is ok? I do not want them to feel like they are not safe with us. I want them toknow that they are safe but I get it. A lot of guys in one room looking to get laid can be very intimidating. How do I go about this?


I think you should look for ladies who are into multiple people at once or group sex. If the girl can withstand being penetrated one after the other then I think she would accept such offer from you.
There is a huge chance that there are ladies here who can handle multiple guys. But just like what one of the members has mentioned here, she needs some protection for her won personal safety.

Posts: 18
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