Posts: 14

I have not really done this whole thing before where i meet a girl and pay for sex. So I do not really know what I am supposed to do. I want a really hot girl. Like a really hot girl but I do not want to be lied to by their photos? is that a thing? do they look like their photos? Also, what do I do, do I just tell them what I want before hand? Or do we work that out when we meet up? I have never been with an extremely hot girl before. I am not exactly the hottest dude out there so I really just want to be with someone who makes me feel like I could be sexy enough to get someone who is that far out of my league.

I can tell you that having been with tons of girls from this site and so far they all look exactly like, if not better than, their photo. I understand that need though. I am in the same boat. I am not the most attractive dude out there and being with hot chicks like these escorts really makes life more exciting. I feel like I am alive and wanted. I like feeling wanted by really extremely hot girls. It makes me feel special and I am really excited to continue to do that.

I do not think that I have ever been with a girl fom this site that looked different from their photos. They all show up loking fine as hell. Ten's across the board. They are so hot. If anything the photos do not do them justice. You expect to see something and then they show up and just blow your expectationsout of the water. it is great. They are truly so damn hot.

You guys are really funny. None of you are even that bad looking, you could find girls this hot in real life if you put in some effort and met more people. I meet tons of guys that are similar to you all and we always hit off and go on dates. Just put yourself out there in real life. You would totally find girls who are into what you are in to.

Easy for you to say. You only know us via this website. Would you date any of us in real life? I mean, we are the kind of guys that pay for sex. We aren't exactly husband material up in here. If anything we are just sad and lonely and need to pay someone to be around us. You do not want to be with someone like this. You want to be with someone who has their shit together. You want someone with a disposal income that goes towards a better life so they can take care of you. Find a guy who will take care of you. do not date dudes like us. You can do so much better.

I do not live near any of you but I would consider it. What is the worst thing that can happen if you do this sort of thing. Just go for it. Why not! Live your best life!

We hosting this massive stag party for my buddy who is getting married and we want a few call girls there to have some fun. Like mostly we just want them to play strip poker, maybe strip a bit, if guys want to pay them extra for other stuff, then that may be a thing. If they are cool with it, but I mainly just want them to party with us and get wild! I that something they do? Also, if you got some good tales about doing this sort of thing, I would not mind listening to them at all. Seriously, put it out here if you have, gimme a taste.

Hey, I would literaly fly anywhere to be with someone hot like you in real life that I did not have to pay for. I would do that in a heartbeat. You just totally would not give me the time of day. Seriously, though, I am going to D M you because I would love to take you out and I would fly out to see you. Let's make plans and meet up soon. I would gladly spend the weekend. Oh think of all the fund things we can do together, it will literally be the best time that we have ever had. So in to this. Lets do it.

I had a party where we had two escorts come over and strip for us. A couple of guys got some back room stuff but they were awesome. They limited their drinking but they had no problem getting naked and playing games with us. We had a ton of fun and honestly even if they did not offer the extra stuff in the back room I still would have paid for them. They were so great. I have a lot of respect for them. the best.

I do parties all the time. But I never do them alone. I always make sure that they book in with me and my friend(s) so that we do not get into anything we can't handle. As well, and this is usually the case, you will pay a flat fee per hour for us to be there, and then add ons like massage, stripping, back room stuff will all come as extra costs. And they will be paid up front before they happen. No tabs. Or end of the night deal. We also do not drink. At mot we may have one or two beverages, but we do not get drunk at events like this because drinking leads to problems and we do not ever want to have problems. We have a lot of fun though, we always have a great time when we go out and we have rarely had issues at all. Plus, it is fun to be the escort at the party. Getting naked, dancing, partying, it is a lot of fun for me.

We had a good time at my friends party. He hired a couple of call girls to come out and get nakes for us. It was a blast, they stayed for a while and I think they charged us hourly plus add ons but it was worth it. I did not do anything besides get a lap dance but I know some other guys got other stuff and they had a great time. It was a lot of fun but yeah, there are girls on escort sites who will do stuff like party with ya. There are a bunch of different kinds of logistics to work out cause partying is different from sex. But it is a lot of fun and tons of girls on here offer that option. I think there's another thread about this thing also going on somewhere. it is a popular topic.

We always get girls to party with us all the time. it is better than going to a strip club. Like way better than going to a stripclub. Stripclubs are kind of gross and seady but hiring a call girl or escort to come out and do some stuff is bonkers. I do not think we have ever run into problems. I mean, we are all good guys who respect women but it was something that made every party a shit ton better. We always had a blast getting those girls to come out. There is never a better night then a night spent with these kinds of women. They literally do all the things I wish normal girls at bars would do but a las they arent' as fun as these girls.

My buddies hire girls once a month to come to poker night. They do not party with us but they serve us drinks naked and hang out with us and like if stuff happens then stuff happens but it is a lot of fun. Totally makes paying extra worth it. So much more worth it. I can't get enough of these ladies, because of them I have actually called and set up private sessions with them. They make being alive a lot more fun. Parties are better when the option of sex is so easy and these girls have a better time the other girls we know who would never do this kind of thing. it is pretty great. I would honestly do this time and time again. When I start throwing my own parties in my new place I will hiring the lucious ladies off this site to join us.

Well they don't really care about the looks cos it's only the money that matters and you should know beforehand what she can do with you or anything you like by visiting her profile so you will be on the right track on booking the right girl for you.

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