Posts: 16

Before I call up my first escort. Where do you meet? What is appropriate? Do I meet them at a hotel, my apartment, a bar and then go back to my hotel? What is the situation here? Do I even have to rent a hotel or can it be at my place? Oh man, can it be at her place? I need help, I feel like I am giving myself a panic attack just thinking about this. what do I do? help. I do not want to look like an idiot when we meet up and have a fancy dinner all planned and she was hoping to just get in and get out. haha this laughter is nervous.

I always get a hotel room and meet in the hotel bar. That way it is casual so if something does not feel right, it is a public place and I can get away quickly. But yeah plus, it is easier just going to a hotel. We do not need to exchange addresses it is just better that way. We can both stay neutural and protected. It's whats best for everyone, esepcially guys who are married or in a commited relationship.

Yeah I always meet at a hotel. Hotels just feel a lot more safe than going to someones else. You do not know if they have a weapon or a camera set up. Plus, hotels just feel fancy and i do not have to clean up the mess afterwards. You get to feel like a super fancy lady, getting spoiled with a free hotel room. it is rather lovely.

If it is a regular and they have a nice apartment I will go to their apartment but over all get a hotel room and meet in the bar. Plus that way you can have a few drinks and loosen up before you head up stairs. But just do not drink to much and be unable to perform. That is always an awkward thing because we charge you full price. it is not our fault you got drunk and can't get it up. Come prepared. do not be an idiot. Also for men who are older and have issues with getting it up, buy that little blue pill to help you out. it is better than getting charged in full for something that didn't really happen. You want to be a part of the festivities, not just watch from the outside.

I wonder what happen to this guy if he ever booked a room in a hotel or have done it in his apartment. It's really killing me when he's panicking hahaha.

I think it's better if you will rent a room in a hotel so you won't worry anymore about getting the bedsheet clean plus it's safer in the hotel and it's all neat.

If you ever use your place then make sure you change everything including your bedsheets but I have to agree @scarjo. Renting a place is safer so you won't worry too much about changing stuff.

@jessiejay why are you so concerned with what happened to him? Are you expecting that something horrible happened that evening? 

I think it should be up to you considering that you're the client and unless she's the type who doesn't go out.

@Bakergirl58 have you been with a guy who had problems making it hard when the two of you were about to do it?

I would suggest that the escort that you're getting is willing to met you and not the ones who want prefer doing it at their place. If the escort that you want has her own place, try to convince her to meet you that the place that you want and that you're willing to pay for extra.

You will be responsible for your meet up place or the escort may refer you to a place or a venue for meetups.

Depends on the escorts that you like, she might only be available for incall or for outcall so you gotta check that out. For me, I somewhat like the incall service but I also make sure that the escort got a decent place and offers free showers, lol. 

I like going to their place, that way I wouldn't have to worry about hotel or place we would meet up. 

It depends if the meeting is incall or outcall. If you book her for incall then you will go to her place if its outcall, you can do it in a hotel or you can ask her if its alright to do it in your place. I think it would be great if you prepare some drinks and then just act normally and do some chit chat with her to make her feel comfortable. 

If you have an outcall appointment with the escort then you will be the one in charge for the place, most people use hotel but that is totally up to you. 

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