Posts: 6

it is hard for me to have a lot of fun in the sack because I have an extremely bad back. DO I let them know that Ihave a bad back so that we can work around those issues? Or should I just not even bother getting an escort? I do not want to waste anyone's time. it is not like a big deal I would just have to be on my back the entire time andlike probably be propped up a bit. I might have to take some pain killers through out. It may end up being great or super awkward. But this is my life and I want to know what the deal is about being a hurt and wanting to have some fun.

I have a terrible back and honestly they can all make it work. Some of them even offer really good back massages as an add on item kind of thing. It feels so good to get a massage before sex and just loosen up your back so it is not so stiff. Check to see which escorts off a nice massage along with other things. Hot stuff.

Yeah I feel this thread right here. I have a bad back for years from a former injury and I basically need a pillow underneath me the entire time and they have to do all the work and we can't be rough. It sucks but that is why I go to escorts and not try doing this with some chick I am dating. I feel like a cripple sometimes. I do not know if I am allowed to say crippleor not, so I am sorry if I have offended anyone.

You just need to ask. it is honestly not that big of a deal. They have seen much worst than a bad back trust me on that one. it is better that you take care of yourself before first, she will understand entirely. You need your back. I bet they see all kinds of things that aren't all that great. I am sure a bad back is literally nothing to worry about.

Yeah no one is ever going to be like "fuck no, i do not fuck guys with bad backs" that will not happen so do not even sweat it. There is literally nothing to be worried about. If anything they will take their time with you and make sure that you are fine and that the night doesn't end with them helping you to the hospital. That is the kind of thing. They are nice girls. Ihave a bad knee so standing for a while hurts, especially when thrusting. They know this and they work within my limits.

Escorts are willing to do adjustments that is based on my experience. 

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