Posts: 11

Okay November is finally done, anybody survived the "NO NUT NOVEMBER" or did we all lose? 😁😁

Didn't know about this challenge but even if I did, I would totally lose on day 2 hahaha

Yeah obviously, you're not normal if you survived not having sex for a month lol


Yeah obviously, you're not normal if you survived not having sex for a month lol

Hahahaha, totally agree with you but to anyone who survived this, you have my respect!! 👏

No nut? we have this challenge here too? Lol, if I have known about this, I would've tried to see if I can do it 


No nut? we have this challenge here too? Lol, if I have known about this, I would've tried to see if I can do it 

No, it wasn't offcially introduced as a challenge here in this site but yeah, just asking as it was quite known challenge especially to people who watches porn. 


No nut? we have this challenge here too? Lol, if I have known about this, I would've tried to see if I can do it 

No, it wasn't offcially introduced as a challenge here in this site but yeah, just asking as it was quite known challenge especially to people who watches porn. 

I watch porn but I didn't heard about this challenge lol

No sex for a month challenge? Are you crazy, that's impossible! 


No sex for a month challenge? Are you crazy, that's impossible! 

Um yeah I know it. All of us who are member here will definitely lost it on day 2 lol

No one can survive this don;t be ridiculous loves

I'm kinda looking forward to November this year to try and challenge myself for this. I just wanna see if I can hold it for this long lol

Posts: 11
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