Posts: 9

Is there a way to check and report a number of an escort that has scammed someone? And maybe the guys from the website can see that and remove the fake escort accounts?

to get rid of them once and for all and finally enjoy a peaceful booking 

Make sure to leave a bad review on their profile so people can read that and know about the girl's behaviour. You may also contact their agency or website and report the incident.

What is the name of this escort and where did you booked her? 

is the escort from an agency or an inddependent escort?

checking it carefully before booking really helps to avoid being scammed.

I usually report it to the agency but I guess iut doesn't work that way.


I usually report it to the agency but I guess iut doesn't work that way.

yes some agency just turn their eyes blind. Hope they fixed this problem soon.


is the escort from an agency or an inddependent escort?

in my case, its usually the independent one who I got problem with.

I think leaving a bad review on the escort's profile is enough. Their agency will see it and will notify the girl especially if they're getting a lot of bad feedback. It will also affect the girls rating and algorithm. 

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