Posts: 15

Hi folks, and girls in particular.. I am just over the age of 60, phyiscally fit, not fat, not old for age and not wrinkled. I have been away from escorting for a few years and want to get back into it occasionally.  What is the attitude from girls (particularly under 25) to guys of my age and description.  I am always well behaved and not demanding and appreciate what a working girl has to offer (ie I beleve she deserves the money).  for eg,  do I get time to make an acceptable impression or is it a big instant no from a girl opening the door? 

It depends on a girl's belief and opinion, and it can't be considered generally for every escort. A lot of girls don't have restrictions regarding age.


If you have doubts i suggest you ask escorts before booking. 


It depends on a girl's belief and opinion, and it can't be considered generally for every escort. A lot of girls don't have restrictions regarding age.


If you have doubts i suggest you ask escorts before booking. 

Yes, no doubt you are right.  Problem I have with this is perceptions. Tell someone on the phone that you are 60 or even 50 and to a younger person you may as well be 90 in their imaginations.  A nephew of mine was shocked when he found out when I turned 55, he thought I was 40 (ie younger than his mother). As an eg., a young (in his early 40s) supermarket manager set out some parking spots for 'OVER 50s'  and in those spots he had zimer frame icons whith silluettes of 90 year olds stooped over them. I do suppose if rejected I dont pay and try elsewhere.   Earlier this year on a short stop over in Thailand I had early 20's girls more than up for it but some tottally blanked me.  Mind you I am still way above average fit for my age, can run 5 miles, swim a mile and do weights etc.  For the girls I assume its the balance between £££ and Yuck factor. 

I get you, it's a bit frustrating when some of them ignore and avoid you, with all those presumptions. But remember, im in my 30s and some of them refused to do it with me as well. There is a million factors and no man can have them all when he wants. Sure for older chaps it can be harder to get escorts. I suggest you, if the escorts you are attracted to hesitates, just offer her some extra and show her cloud 9. Cheers. 

Steve, if i understood it correctly, you're interested in younger girls only? Maybe try with escorts in mid or late 30s or some mature, plenty of them are hot as hell.


Steve, if i understood it correctly, you're interested in younger girls only? Maybe try with escorts in mid or late 30s or some mature, plenty of them are hot as hell.

agree to this 

Unfortunately most of them (under 25) avoid seeing older chaps, because most of them are new to business or temporarily (trying to earn some money) into this, so they haven't had too many clients which indicates they haven't developed to typical conduct of an experienced escort. That means they're cocky, unstable, unreliable, arrogant… It's the way it is 

When you were a teenager at a club/disco:


If you didn't ask the pretty girl, you went home alone.


If you asked and she said no - you never knew why, usually just a chemistry thing.


When she said yes 😁 life became good!


Now I think ar 62yo escorts are much the same, she might ignore you as she is lazy/fully booked/rude lots of reasons - next week might be a different story with her.


If you can get hard and wil enjoy it happy punting. 

Move on and try with another escort, there is nothing to lose. 

Patsy loves older clients


Move on and try with another escort, there is nothing to lose. 

Well said Jamie,  Completely agree 

Be open about your age, if she takes a booking no surprises then.


Some younger ladies are harder to engage in conversation with, but have great bodies.

Does anyone know a young central London escort who's willing to see a 60+ years old chap? 

We have clients in 70s and 80s seeing Asian Escorts in London.  visit us at

Melody Banks is an easy going girl, client's age is not a problem for her...

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