Posts: 6

Hello everyone! I recently moved to Manchester and started working as an escort here. I don't have that many friends here, especially escorts. I would love to use EscortRankings to make a few escort friends if that's possible. I know that this website is a great place for escorts to meet clients. But since this section is there, I thought of creating this thread. I would also like to see if anyone is willing to work with me as a duo. I'm bisexual and I offer services in duos. So I'd love to get to know a few girls who offer similar services.

Welcome to Manchester RoseLove! It's always good to have a fresh face in town. I know that escorts can be pretty competitive but the scene is much more chilled out in Manchester which is great. Let's have a chat soon and get to know each other.

That's great to hear Whitney.F! That's one of the very reasons I decided to move here. I was in Liverpool before and the escort scene is brutal over there. I'm hoping to make some new friends here and make a fresh start...

I'm sure you'll make friends here in no time! Oh by the way, I do work in duos and in groups. So I'm interested in getting to know you a bit. We might be able to work together if we seem like a good match.

@RoseLove you've come to right place for a fresh start. I think Manchester is a lovely city. Especially for escorts. I have sent you a PM. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks for your private message emy.manchester! I look forward to getting to know you more...

Posts: 6
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