How do I delete my profile? There's no options to do so and I want to delete my profile
How do I delete my profile? There's no options to do so and I want to delete my profile
Delete account
Delete account how do you do that pls. When emailing nobody responds
I want to delete mine too.... dont even see an email address to write too
Why do you guys want to delete profiles? just curious.
maybe you can send them an email? The problem is when they won't respond. That would be frustrating.
Hi, Can you please delte my account. I cant see no option
I have not tried that but maybe you can send them an email.
there's a "Contact" word right at the bottom part of this forum. You can send an email to the admin there
Why do you guys want to delete profiles? just curious.
Hmm.. maybe they didn't find hook ups here
Why do you guys want to delete profiles? just curious.Hmm.. maybe they didn't find hook ups here
how about you? did you find hook ups here? I actually already had two successful meetings from here...
Isn't there a delete button for that?
Delete my account please under Gdpr laws you will
Okay I am just new in this forum guys but why do you wanna delete your profiles? So far, I have no issues with the site.
italio1985Delete my account please under Gdpr laws you will
Send an email to the admin here to delete your account. 😊
Please delete my account as well
Why won't it allow you to delete reviews and account?! I want this done now!
jacko0612Why won't it allow you to delete reviews and account?! I want this done now!
Why do you want to delete your account? Do you have any issues with the site?
Please delete my account and profile thanks
It's unfair to create a site and no way to access deletion. I would like my site deleted please.
Can someone delete this account! Since I never made on on the first place!
The men that contacted me from here are disgusting and their mouths are vile.
Hi Isabelle1, please contact our technical support via email and inform them about your problem.
How do I delete my profile? There's no options to do so and I want to delete my profile
theoneyouloveOkay I am just new in this forum guys but why do you wanna delete your profiles? So far, I have no issues with the site.
to be honest if they want to delete profile there choice why so many people asking why it is there option