Posts: 4

Profile is fake  - ID in AW is 7513403  

Not the girl in the pictures 

Girl who answered the door was tall and dark hair 

I asked if this girl in the profile was there, she walked to a room across the way

Sounded like she was waking someone up, heard this deep voice, walks in a it's a petite very roma like girl who just woke up and not happy at all 

She was all over the place as you are when you are woken suddenly, she came back in and said, 'BABY BABY BAAAAAAAAABY!!!' 

I thought to myself (being bait n switched a 1000 times) this insn't going to end well

I should have walked but I managed to get a pump n dump out of it, as I was dressing she reached for the phone and texting and grunting something in Roma, no good bye 

That was that 



Typical Romanian escort. That's why they have such low rates after all, no one wants to pay them too much after all those B&S scams.

I've just visited her profile, she has only 1 review on adultwork which is shady af, not to mention there is no clue of her on ukpunting or escort rankings.

Sad thing is some of these girls are real they just get moved around so much they don't update their pitcures.  It was on Viva and then moved onto AW after a couple of months.

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