Posts: 24

Has anyone been here and if so what's on offer

Reason I'm asking me and the other half walked past yesterday and there where 2 absolute stunners waiting at the door I nearly broke my neck staring 

They actually have a lots of reviews on review forums, especially on ukpunting. From what i saw, they offer everything but FS, and who knows if you're lucky enough maybe even FS will be on offer.

I'll give it a go.  The girls where gorgeous.  

happy punting, let us know how it went. 

Saw a 10 out of 10 lass. She was sexy short beautiful. Massage was good 100 for b2b and she told me next time I can get more.  Expensive but worth it.  Shot all over her belly and legs I think her name was neesha

Sounds great, i'll give it a shot with them too.

Good luck she's hot as fuck.  

Let us know how you get on. Go late at night she was half passed when I went hahaha

It's a Thai place isn't it? 

Yes it's a basement shop. Legit looking really nice tbh. Girls are sexy as fuck but I asked at the counter for the girl I liked I just pointed at her sitting on the sofa. Take plenty money though they are expensive 

Is 100 for regular massage and B2B or only for B2B? Do they charge an entry fee?

100 extra ask for Nisha or Alicia dirty bitch


100 extra ask for Nisha or Alicia dirty bitch

I see nisha total £120 for the hour . Your right she's naughty, First time I've experienced fucking a lady on message room. Has happy for a finger up her arse while in cowgirl 

There's 2 nisha working there. What tattoos did yours have.  One of them takes anal but extra 50

That price must be ontop of massage price.  Does she pull a painfully face when you fuck her she grinds her teeth when I'm all way in her.  I fcked her arse  last time and she took it like a champ.  Did you notice the scar between pussy and arse.  I'm taking 100m of blue and going to nail her tonight how many times have you funked her 

I'm going to see if Nisha is there tomorrow. I'll report back with findings. 


Just got back from the Philippines had a girl with me all the time took it 4 times a day every day - that's going to be hard to beat 

Just called them and there is no more Nisha she left ages ago according to the person who took my call. 

4 times a day is incredible achievement. That Filipino girl must be a bomb. DId you take them blue pills? 

Are you sure she left.  I've seen her in there a week ago.  She was a fantastic duck. Jessica bucks aswell 

I have fond memories fucking nisha.  Legs over my shoulders and her squirming like a fire hydrant.  Hahahahah she is a miss 

Some of these girls are married.  That must be terrible for the men in there lives. I wonder how many enjoy it 

Some people can be really turned on by it. I know some tend to watch others fuck their wife. 

Visited Panviman recently - £50 for 1 hour , plus £100 for b2b


Hot petite Thai girl with lovely fake tits - I think she said her name was Holly but I may have misheard 


Might be back soon if anyone had any recommendations, any girls do more than a HJ ? 

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