Posts: 9

Hi guys, 


my first request on here so please excuse me if I come across too needy or asking for too much. 


I want shaging but more of the dfk and touch touch feeling 


I won't last long so I want to spend most time feeling up, dfk and fingering.


Please if anyone recommend some girls, would be nice. 



Welcome mate. In what area are you looking for an escort? 

Leicester or surrounding area


Autumn is according to the reviews one of the best escorts in the Leicester area. Look at those tits. Yummy 

Thank you, I'm looking for skinny girl with small tits.



Been to her before but she's very shy and don't talk much. Perfect body but not face


She's Zimbabwean, but speaks good english. Model type of a body. Was eager to please me. 

May i suggest miss ChritinaMayuk. She participate in porn movies so she knows how to act.

Posts: 9
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