Posts: 12

If I occasionally book an escort behind my partner’s back just for the purpose of sexual satisfaction (partner is more into traditional sex) , can this be considered as cheating?

Absolutely wrong. I mean sleeping with someone when your already in a relationship is bad right?

Yes it is cheating. However, for me its totally fine. Its just sex.

Your just looking for someone because your partner can't give you what you want.

Well, definitely not wrong as you are just seeking for the satisfaction that your partner can't give. I mean traditional sex? Do people still accept that? That's pretty boring mate..

You can't help but to look for someone who can satisfied your needs. Especially if your partner has different views as yours.

Have you talk about this issue to your partner? Maybe talking to her about your issue will help.

Obviously. Even though your partner lacks on something, not giving you what you need. Seeing other peoplr is definitely cheating.

Yes of course, your partner would be hurt if she found that out. Even if it's was just a sex.

Do you even have to ask? Of course it is cheating. If you are not satisfied and you think that someone else can provide your needs, just break up with your partner

Yes, even if your partner did not fulfil your needs, you should stick with her. 

Yes, having an affair with other girls while you are in a relationship is absolutely wrong. 

Posts: 12
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