Posts: 24

Is premature ejacualation considered a health issue? What's the best way to cure it?

Yes, although some are quite shy and won't admit that they needed help in this kind of  issue, it is pretty much a health issue. The best way to cure it is to seek professional help. Go and visit a doctor as they can diagnosed what causes it and for proper treatment.

Do you experience this one? Premature ejaculation?

Yes, I think you need to consult the doctors so you have proper treatment. You know, to run some tests.

Yes, why don’t you try to seek advice from the doctor. So that they will find treatments that will work for you.

Maybe yes, It would be better if he consulted the physician and asked them what they should recommend to you. 

Premature Ejaculation? Isn't it cumming early? Even though you are just getting started to have sex?


Premature Ejaculation? Isn't it cumming early? Even though you are just getting started to have sex?
Yes, that is right! Its really frustrating when that happens. 

If this happens a lot, it's the best if you visit your doctor. This can be a health issue, better have it checked first.


Is premature ejacualation considered a health issue? What's the best way to cure it?
It depends on the person, if they are okay with it then they can totally ignore it but I am quite sure that the girl would be completely dissatisfied in bed and no one likes that.

Depending on the age, if the person is still young then it's definitely a problem but if it's someone who is old or let's say in his 50's or 60's I think it's normal hahah. Please correct me if I'm wrong...


Is premature ejacualation considered a health issue? What's the best way to cure it?
Yes Darling, it's definitely a health issue 

Yes, if a person has this kind of health issue. they should visit a doctor to have a proper treatment.

@baileycoco with the cure, better consult with the profesionals. 


Premature Ejaculation? Isn't it cumming early? Even though you are just getting started to have sex?
yeah it is. doesn't it sound disappointing?

Yes I have problems ejaculating I can go for hours and still not reach the point of climax so I'm hoping that you or someone can help me out with this one I'm in reading uk I am not sure 🤔 u believe me  

This is not just a health problem buty a relationship problem as well, imo.. 👀

@adski I guess there's only one way to find out 😉😋

Thank god for condoms huh? It's a common thing, everyone is going to experience it some day, if not already. It could be a problem if you're having bb sex with someone you don't want a baby with.

Masturbation 1 hour before intercourse and thicker condoms could be helpful things to do.

A simple way is to slide out for some time till you cool down and then get going again.

But what if you see that your partner is really enjoying it and is on her way to a really strong orgasm but if you continue you may ejaculate? Stopping at sex time would be a bad bad idea.

In such cases, the technique that I've tried and has worked really well for me over a decade is to continue pounding but draw your mind away to something that you don't like. You will lose all the excitement in a second. 

I know this is a pathetic technique if you think selfishly.. you lose all the joy inorder to ensure your partner gets it.. but then not following this will ensure you get all the joy and the partner is left feeling unsatisfied.. that's not right as well,


In such cases, the technique that I've tried and has worked really well for me over a decade is to continue pounding but draw your mind away to something that you don't like. You will lose all the excitement in a second. 

This is my technique too, just think about the most unsexy thing you can at the moment and you'll lose the excitement but boner will still be there which is the main goal.

This is an old Topic but I have seen a lot of dumb replies as to this being a medical condition mostly by women
If this happens constantly it is a medical condition, if just from time to time it's normal
Women: try to take it as a compliment from time to time, nothing worse than not being able to make a man cum

You forgot to add details such as the time of the PE intercourse so I will assume by premature ejaculation you mean anything less than 2 to 3 minutes
Premature Ejaculation is common and usually not a cause for concern.
The average time it takes for a man to reach orgasm and ejaculate is 5 to 7 minutes, but the range is wide.

Anything between 10 minutes and 30 minutes is considered too long medically, doesn't matter how long a woman wants it to last or claims that her ex lasted
The longer it lasts can turn into a medical condition named Delayed Ejaculation and might also be the woman's fault

Focusing on something unpleasant is a horrible choice, and you shouldn't call it a technique
It takes the entire fun and point of the intercourse

There are a couple of different things to try

  • is to slow down, there is no need to go hard like a jackhammer
  • This option works more on exhaustion and blood diffusion, have the man standing, this will move blood through the leg muscles and will reduce the blood flow to the penis reducing the sensitivity
  • Using both options can help increase time to over 10 minutes

    Men: Do not listen to women regarding this issue, they will always blame the Man

    • If you cum too fast - Man's Fault
    • If you can't cum - Man's Fault
    • If you are not in the mood - Man's Fault
    • If you can't get it up - Man's Fault
    • If your dick goes soft during sex - Man's Fault
    • If the woman doesn't cum - Man's Fault
    • If the woman can't feel the penis - Man's Fault

    And before you cum with cumbacks I have all the above mention issues, I fuck perfectly but also sometimes cum too fast, cum too late, can't get it up, goes soft, can't feel the 🐱or not in the mood, girl doesn't cum and many other issues

    The number one difference between all the above was usually different women or the woman's attitude before and during sex.


    As my final word: Good sexual intercourse lasts minutes, not hours

    Nice post @xikor. People usually look at it this way - pay 1 hour fuck 1 hour. But things don't work like that, it's important to enjoy it. 15 minutes - 15 minutes, but make those 15 minutes memorable. That’s the point.

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