Posts: 55

Single man my name is Adam I'm 46 I don't have many peeps any more as I've been moving around the country from Essex to reading and see what happens but I'm hoping someone from here and from reading gets in touch as this site seems to have people but no one is interested in meeting or anything you can find me on Facebook as Adski SKU 

Hello someone help me out 

Hi Adam, this sounds fun but I am quite far from your location. ๐Ÿ˜” but I am prefectly sure you'll find someone here ๐Ÿ˜‰


Nottingham but not confident to go out though because of ๐Ÿ˜ท

Hi Jessiejay I'm happy to hear from you I'm ok COVID free as I'm a clean freak and I don't know how you would travel here as I can't travel due to reason but I'm on Facebook as Adski SKU 

Hey there Adam ๐Ÿ˜‰

Is chat okay with you? Most people would prefer to chat for now.

Yes I'm happy with anything 


Is chat okay with you? Most people would prefer to chat for now.   Yes I'm Adam yes I'm happy with that ๐Ÿ™


  • Online
Hi how's everyone doing as I'm still here looking for someone to help me out and to meet or talk with me but life is not really good for me as I'm being honest with you I'm being cared for as I have complex needs brain injuries and other issues but a career stolen from me I have been in hospital for 10 days had an ankle operation and had an accident in hospital and no help from my social worker as I have no friends/family please call me on my phone number is 07985 181945 or fb Adam SKU WhatsApp so I'm happy to hear from genuine people please 

Hi @adski lets do the sex chat I am kinda horny right now.

Hi girls  message me if you offer A-level service.๐Ÿ˜‰

Hi @laurine32๐Ÿ˜‰

@laneyboggs I already send you a message๐Ÿ˜‰

I want hot chicks this weekend, message me if you are interested.

Hi @laurine32

I want to fuck hard to a hot girls until her body convulsing in pleasure

I would love to meet you @adski but it's too risky to travel for now.

@laneyboggs I like  A-level service, wanna do it with me?


@jessiejay me either.๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

any Ladies lookin Lookin for a meet up a lil naughty fun

Is chat okay with you? Most people would prefer to chat for now.

Hey there! you should help him out. @lustybetsy

filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.


filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.

07553287903 msg me 


I want to fuck hard to a hot girls until her body convulsing in pleasure

Hey there! 


filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.

07553287903 msg me 

Sure babe @devilsreject๐Ÿ˜‰

I like one night stand but I am looking a fuck buddies here.

I really want to travel with my hook ups, but I can't go out.


I like one night stand but I am looking a fuck buddies here.

did you find one? I guess most guys here wants to fuck those ladies at the front page. Pretty hot though, I can't complain. But hey buddies, we are here! we are for free. 


I really want to travel with my hook ups, but I can't go out.

Maybe take a staycation at a hotel? Where are you from? is the travel restriction so strict in your area?


I really want to travel with my hook ups, but I can't go out.

Maybe take a staycation at a hotel? Where are you from? is the travel restriction so strict in your area?

it is surely strict in our area lol, where are you located and you're lucky if you don't have a strict lockdown. 


filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.

Can you send me a call my phone number is 07985 181945 


filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.

Can you send me a call my phone number is 07985 181945 

Hi licktracy so are you interested or for real 


@adski I have lots of friends with benefits but they're all gone after the pandemic started... sad

Any ladies northwest area Wigan/ Chorley looking for a fwb I'm willing to drive ๐Ÿ˜‰


I like one night stand but I am looking a fuck buddies here.

did you find one? I guess most guys here wants to fuck those ladies at the front page. Pretty hot though, I can't complain. But hey buddies, we are here! we are for free. 

No I'm easy going as it's the person and what happens when we meet as long as we have a good time together and hopefully enjoy ourselves and each other you can call me 07985181945 if you are interested or fancy some good mmmm queenk



@adski I have lots of friends with benefits but they're all gone after the pandemic started... sad

Hi yes well we can fix the problem if you fancy drop me a text and we can go from there 07985181945


filled me with you cock, I need you to fucked me hard adam.

My cock filling up your hole in there deep throbbing slowly in and out slowly and fast if you want to see how long it lasts for then you will not be disappointed and hopefully you will enjoy your time together call me for how it feels like and how it happens 07985181945

Posts: 55
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