Oh Lord, we are sailing in the same boat. I can totally understand how you feel because my friends too are hooking up with guys who adore them and take them for long drives while pampering them with so much that it just makes me so jealous and unloved. I feel that the idea of getting a cute male escort is better because all you have to give in some bucks and in return, you get to cherish so much more including lusty love, attention, sexual satisfaction and so on. On the other hand is the option of escorts which I personally feel should be quite preferable as compared to dating someone because you are supposed to pay an amount they ask for and that too just for a night or more, one simply does not get to enjoy the other benefits that come along with dating I know that too. I hope you are understanding what I am really trying to tell you and end up making a wise and proper decision. Good luck finding, I hope the same for me as well.